1. Educating Stan Part 1

    10/25/2017: Stan was my third husband, I met him while visiting my friend Judy in Florida. He was a young sailer, barely nineteen, and I was twenty four and married twice before. I guess you could say that I was his first real love and absolutely his first sexual experience. We had been dating for almost a month before we had any intimacy at all. He was so sweet to me, which was charming but I was a woman in my mid twenties and needed some dick. It occurred to me that Stan was probably a virgin and I would need to "educate" him One night when we were staying at another couple's house, they went for a mot read Sex Story…
    Categories: First Time, Mature, Author: ondrae74, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster
  2. Exploring Adam 4

    10/25/2017: I really didn't know what was happening to me. It was as if my world, when I was in my apartment with Adam, narrowed down to a single thought: Cock. In all of my fantasizing and tentative experimentation, I had never anticipated the hunger I would have, the constant desire to touch, stroke, taste, and suck Adam's beautiful cock. It intoxicated me, and the feeling I got when I made him read Sex Story…
    Categories: Gay Male, Author: Damon9888, Rating: 5, Source: LushStories
  3. For Her

    10/25/2017: Jim could not believe he had just fucked his step daughter. He had wanted to since he began dating her mom and now that they were married she was under his roof and his cock was always hard thinking of her. She had pouty lips that begged to be kissed and nice full tits under her tight t-shirt. His cock got hard when he saw the hard nipples poking against the fabric. Then there was that sexy ass. He just wanted to grab it with his hands and feel it so bad. Today he was just out of the shower when she opened the door and stared at his naked body. His cock got hard seeing her in just her panties read Sex Story…
    Categories: Hardcore, Taboo, Author: domslavelover, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster
  4. For Him 2

    10/25/2017: "Please more," I moaned out. His hand connected with my ass cheek several more times before resting on it. The heat from his hand stung against my sensitized skin. His breathing was labored as if it wore him out. I couldn't say how long we were like that, unmoving and completely still. It could have been minutes although in reality it was probably only seconds. My pussy throbbed with read Sex Story…
    Categories: Oral Sex, Author: Bluntlyput6, Rating: 2, Source: LushStories
  5. For You

    10/25/2017: For you, I would give the world, Though I am sure that there would be more than a few people unimpressed with me, If I did so without their consent, Alas,I'd rather have you any day. Oh, the things I wouldn't steal, Not because of their beauty, But because of how you outshine them by so many degrees, That gold looks like worn-out brass, Except, I would make a really bad thief, read Sex Story…
    Categories: Love Poems, Author: StillUndecided, Rating: 7, Source: LushStories
  6. fun with a neighbor

    10/25/2017: First time with a guy? Was not expectimg that, but now that I experienced it, I would do it over and over again. I'll try to keep my story short and sweet, at the time I was almost 19, I was 5 ft 10 and a bit chubby, and had a big jiggly butt. I was really curious at the time to see what else was out there for sexual needs, but was always too shy to actually go out and try it, until one day that changed. I recently broke up with my girlfriend, and was pretty lonely at the time. I lived in a quiet neighborhood and knew pretty much everybody, atleast I thought I did. I would also go for walks du read Sex Story…
    Categories: First Time, Gay Male, Author: bigbuttdude3447, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster
  7. Gym girl's dirty panties (pt.2)

    10/25/2017: This is part 2 to a story that is on my blog. This portion of the story takes place later that night into the next morning. The new character in this portion is the main character's roommate, Daniel. [image] read Sex Story…
    Categories: Fetish, Lesbian Sex, Author: N1234a, Rating: , Source: xHamster
  8. House of Secrets (old story I wrote)

    10/25/2017: My Name is Karen. I am 42 years old and this is my story about how my curiosity concerning my 24 year old daughter’s drug use led to a much bigger secret. Michelle had been living with me and her father, Ronald, ever since she was kicked out of college for illicit drug use. She has been arrested by the police for public intoxication and possession after being found passed out on campus in the read Sex Story…
    Categories: Dark Fantasy, Author: NOVA_DC_Monger, Rating: 85.7, Source: sexstories.com
  9. In the Books

    10/25/2017: The room was nearly quiet in the flickering torchlight. The breeze slid in through the open windows, fluttering the sheer material she had for curtains, wafting around the old bedroom to brush over the big bed in the corner, where two bodies moved in ecstasy. A gasping cry from the bedclothes drew the beady eye of a large crow which floated outside the cold windowpane, and it turned as read Sex Story…
    Categories: Flash Erotica, Author: Katje, Rating: 9, Source: LushStories
  10. Kinky Vanilla: Chapter 3

    10/25/2017: Introduction: The third chapter in a very long series This explains so much. "So just to be clear, all of the porn you've watched is like this." "This is the only porn I watch." "What do you mean the only porn you watch?" "Like, this is the only porn I watch." "What, like this genre?" "No, this movie." "This...movie. Just this movie." "Yes." "...How many times have you watched it?" "...Twice." Holy fuck. I rested the bridge of my nose in between my thumb and forefinger. Oh my God this explains so much. "So where..." Where do I even begin? "Where did you lear read Sex Story…
    Categories: Fetish, Hardcore, Taboo, Author: qudduse, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster