1. Marc takes Moni camping

    Date: 9/9/2015, Categories: First Time, Group Sex, Voyeur, Author: monilovescum, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster

    It was a spur of the moment thing. We looked out the window one Saturday morning in August, and decided to toss some things in the car and head for the mountains. No specific plans, just a wish to get away from the city. We found a nice Forest Service campground next to Rushing River, an hour's drive from home. There were tents set up in some of the sites, but nobody around; and we found a vacant spot in a far corner of the campground. We set up camp and made a quick lunch, then went off to explore the area. Moni was wearing tight fitting stonewashed denim shorts that showed that she had great legs and a 100% fat-free butt. Very nice. Her matching top was one of those long-sleeved shirts that ties in the front leaving her midriff bare. It had buttons, but she left them open, so that her soft perky tits showed enticingly. The tips of her long,flowing dark hair swirled around her neck and shoulders. She always seemed to bubble with vivacious excitement, and seemed oblivious to the stares of every man who ever saw her. I loved it. After hiking around all afternoon, we returned to the still vacant campground and opened a bottle of wine. We sat in our lawn chairs, resting our feet on the picnic bench, sipping wine and chatting the kind of chat that leads to good sex. When it was time to make dinner, the wine bottle was empty and we both felt a comfortable glow. We opened another bottle of wine for dinner. As we were finishing dinner, we heard an old Chevy pickup rumble into camp, ...
    to one of the sites where the tents were set up. I had been wondering where everyone was. Two more pickups came in and parked at the other occupied campsites. It looked like a bunch of guys who had been out fishing all day, though I didn't see any fish. What I did see was eight "outdoorsman" type guys who had obviously consumed an excessive quantity of beer. I glanced at Moni, and she looked back with raised eyebrows. Well, we had known all along that we weren't going to have the place to ourselves, but it was nice while it lasted. Maybe these guys would just pass out quietly and leave us to enjoy ourselves. We could hear rowdy laughter and a lot of loud talk while we washed our dishes and put things away. It wasn't dark yet, but under the canopy of fir trees darkness would come quickly, so I decided to light the Coleman lantern. I was just hanging the lantern on a branch when I turned to see one of the cowboys approaching our camp. I was not surprised that his eyes were locked on Moni. He asked if we had some matches he could borrow. Odd question, since he was smoking a cigarette at the time. He continued eyeing Moni after I tossed him a book of matches. "Pretty nice place up here," he said. "Nobody ever comes around after sunset. Guess it'll just be us for the night." I thought I saw him wink at Moni. Looking for something to say, I asked, "Been out fishing?" "Yeah, but nothing's biting. But I think our luck might be changing," he said, casting a suggestive grin at Moni. It ...