Date: 5/22/2016, Categories: Hardcore, Masturbation, Mature, Author: Xtreme357, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster

    that." I told her. "Hmmm." she said with a wicked grin on her face. "I can picture the wheels spinning in your head right now." I laughed. "That’s good. Because you can guess what I’m thinking." Lydia said huskily. "Enlighten me." I said. Lydia just smiled. “Stay tuned.” she said and ended the call. I looked at my phone then lay back down in the bed. I really didn’t want to get up. I didn’t have anywhere to be and I had nothing planned for tonight. I closed my eyes again…. I awoke with a start at the sound of my cell phone ringing again. I stared at it stupidly and attempted to shake the sl**p from my head. I clumsily picked it up and answered the call. Once again, it was Lydia. "Wake up sl**pyhead." she greeted. I glanced at my phone and noted the time. It was after 12am. "Why are you calling me this late?" I asked without trying to hide how annoyed I was. "Because I need something from you." she said. "Such as?" I asked. "You don’t live too far from here do you? Come up here and find out." she suggested. "To work?" I asked incredulously then shook my head vehemently. "Nah. I don’t think so. When I’m off I don’t go near that place." "Oh for me you can make an exception, I’m sure. I still have this pic on my phone you know." she said. I closed my eyes and shook my head. She knew she had me. I sighed then asked, “When?” "I’m going to take a break in about an hour. So be up here at around 1am. Call me when you’re parked." she said then ended the call. I looked at my phone ...
    then lay back down in the bed, wondering what the fuck I had gotten myself into. I got up, found some jeans and a t-shirt to put on and got dressed. By the time I was dressed, it was 130am. I grabbed my keys and headed to the job. When I got there and parked, I sent Lydia a text saying that I was there. She replied telling me to come inside and go to the breakroom nearest my cubicle. I wearily grabbed my badge and started walking towards the building. It was a cool fall morning, cool enough for me to wear a jacket. I had left my place in such a hurry that I completely forgot. As I walked towards the building entrance, I hoped I wouldn’t run into anyone. Not that anyone else really gave a shit why I was there. Most people here working nights stayed to themselves and outside of the shifts, no one really knew each other’s schedule. Maybe this is what Lydia was counting on. I made my way to the break room Lydia indicated and I sat down in one of the chairs. I then texted her that I was there. She replied saying she’d be there in a few. I sat there nervously wringing my hands. After a few minutes, she came into the break room. I gasped. She was wearing a jean jacket with a white blouse and a tight jean skirt. Her thick delicious legs jutted out beautifully from the skirt and she wore some black high heel sandals. "Come with me." she ordered and I got up and followed her. My eyes were glued to her ass as she walked in front of me. My mouth watered at the sight and all of my stressing ...