1. Voluptus Ludum Ch. 04

    Date: 5/8/2016, Categories: Fantasy, Body modification, Cum Swallowing, Female/Female, Incest, Lesbian, Masturbation, Oral Sex, Slavery, Teen Female/Teen Female, Author: Deus_Mortem666, Rating: 80, Source: sexstories.com

    "I don't want to have a sex slave." Despite her usual behaviour, Bell was extremely confident in her ability, rarely taking defeat into account. As it stood, the only other person in the country who rivalled her was Alexandra. Despite herself, Alex let out a small chuckle. "I don't either, and we won't have to, so long as we refuse to play." The second the last word left her lips, a pair of letters suddenly appeared before the two, each one hovering before their eyes. Looking at each other, the twins took the letters, opening the envelopes and reading the contents. The further they read, the paler the pair got. "We-we have to play?" Alex stated in disbelief. "And we have to choose whether to be what we play, or to have it be separate from us." Bell said, her voice lacking any emotion. The sisters threw the letters away and sat there in silence for what could've been a lifetime. Bell was the first to break the silence. "You know," Alex looked at her, "It wouldn't be so bad having a slave, I mean, we don't have to use them for sex do we?" Alex thought on it for a second, but nodded in reply. Bell's face immediately lit up slightly. Alexandra was concerned, even though she had only glanced at her new cards, she knew they were all sexual in nature, and she had no idea how it might affect the user, especially considering the fact that they were dealing with a goddess. "We don't have much of a choice Alex, we might as well try to make the best of it." Bell said and picked the ...
    letter up. In her other hand a ballpoint pen materialised, using it she wrote her decision on the letter, which vanished in a puff of smoke the second she finished. Taking her sister's advice, Alex also took the letter, jumping slightly in surprise as the pen also appeared in her grasp. "What did you write?" She asked her sister. "I wanted to become what I play, I mean, think about it; wouldn't you want to feel something new, something only we and the others get to experience?" Bell's excitement had always been intoxicating, but now it was more so, practically taking over Alex's own mind as she wrote the same thing as her sister. Alex smiled at Bell as the letter disappeared. The two began to look through their decks. They knew what could happen, and they were gonna take every precaution, however that was easier said then done, as the pair constantly found it hard to look at the illustrations on the cards. In Alex's deck, each creature was humanoid, though many had mostly animalistic traits, muzzles, tails, fur all of that, yet some were completely human, with the exception of animal ears and tails. Each one were highly sexualised, with breasts at least four times as big as Alex's own, and capped with large nipples that looked the size of a large thumbnail. They also had toned stomachs, muscular legs, with shapely thighs. Their faces were those of animals, though most seemed to be of the dog family, but they seemed capable of human expressions, even somehow appearing to smile in ...