Julie and Mom's Halloween Party
Date: 8/26/2015, Categories: Trans, Author: cdbottom2, Rating: 1, Source: LushStories
After Klintuck and I visited mom, we went back to our place, Klintuck’s ship, and mostly just relaxed for a few days. It was getting close to Halloween so most of my attention and energy was drawn to figuring out what to do for one of my favorite holidays. I wanted to have another Halloween party, like I had gone to with mom so many years ago, but now I wanted to host my own. I wasn’t sure as to where I was going to have it quite yet, but I figured with it being close to Halloween, I would figure out the plans for the party before deciding where to have it. With my pad of paper and some suggestions from mom and Klintuck, I slowly put together a list of brainstormed ideas for the party. Then after editing my list of what would be too expensive and what wouldn’t be as fun, I cut it down, then rearranged it again, before making a few phone calls for supplies. It was still pretty warm out for October for this time of year so I thought if the weather stayed nice the party could partially be outside. Now I was thinking of a costume. I never liked to leave anything to the last minute so I thought now would be a good time for Klintuck, mom and me to go searching for new costumes for the party. Klintcuk was ready to go and we hopped in the car and drove to mom’s house. I had noticed I had a drop in the frequency of hallucinations, which was a good thing, but have to admit I kind of enjoyed them from time to time. We picked mom up from her house and headed downtown. The major reason ...