1. Goblins

    Date: 1/10/2016, Categories: Dark Fantasy, Blowjob, Cheating, Cuckold, Gothic, Horror, Job/Place-of-work, Mature, Monster, Older Male / Female, Oral Sex, Romance, Author: BlackRonin, Rating: 77.8, Source: sexstories.com

    and curls bouncing all the way, leaving Megan to stare after her, dumbfounded, and Miles to clutch her skirts even tighter. *** The sunny day turned to rain soon enough, and Megan lay awake that night listening to the storm pound the roof of the garden cottage. She jumped when a hand touched her bare shoulder, but then she took it and squeezed. “You're fretting,” Bryn said in the dark. Megan rolled over to face him. “Yes,” she said. “You're thinking about Sir Rowland.” “No. I mean, yes, but that's not—” “Do you love him?” “Don't ask me things like that.” “But you don't love me.” She glared at him. “I never led you to believe I did. Let's not fight.” “If you're not in love with Sir Rowland then why not just leave him?” She sat up. “You complete ass,” she said. She started to dress. “Don't go.” “I certainly won't stay. You know that a girl in my position can't just walk away from a job anytime she pleases. I realize your ego is bruised but don't just cavalierly suggest I put myself out on the street over it, and DO NOT suggest that I can live with you if I have to.” Bryn had been about to speak but shut his mouth. Megan paused with a stocking in hand. “Besides, I like Sir Rowland. I don't LOVE him but I...like him...just fine.” “Even if you don't quit you don't have to go to bed with him.” “He might put me out.” “Do you really think Sir Rowland would do that?” “He's a man; I have no idea what he might do.” She was half dressed. Bryn was still naked with only a blanket to keep ...
    the draft off and he suddenly looked much smaller and more afraid than she thought he really was, and her heart softened. She sat down again and kissed him. “Listen,” she said. “I'll do terrible things to your heart if you let me. Don't let me.” “You do terrible things anyway,” Bryn said, pulling her back onto the cot. She swayed a little, as if to resist, but she ended up tumbling right back into bed with his young, muscled body pressed up against hers. The wind rattled the lattice and the whole cottage swayed but they paid it no mind. Bryn's lips were soft but his kisses hard. Megan was half-clothed and tried to free up enough room to wriggle out of her undergarments again, but he held her in place. The curve of his prick pressed against the inside of her leg. She let him keep kissing her, chasing his mouth with hers, her tongue darting into his mouth now and then. The cot creaked. Megan got her legs out from under Bryn far enough to wrap them around him. Their kisses went white-hot, breathless, painful. The tip of him pressed into her. She gasped and cried out, smothering the sound by burying her face against the side of his neck. She panted: “Bryn...” “Do you want to stop?” “No...” He slid in. She tightened her hold, shuddering as the entire length of him entered her. Rain pattered the tin roof, covering up the sound of their bodies rising and falling and the springs bouncing up and down and Megan's quiet, strangled cries. He plowed into her and her muscles contracted, ...