1. A Keyhole Adventure, Plus!

    Date: 12/5/2015, Categories: Mature, Taboo, Author: thighfan, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster

    A Keyhole Adventure, Plus! Considerable time had passed since Mom suprised me by showing me her bosoms after asking why she hadn't worn a bra one day. Although the encounter was brief, it was burned into my mind for all time. She had let me touch her slightly sagging 49 yr. old B-cups and even asked me to suck her nipples! I was even allowed to feel, caress and admire her plump thighs...a dream come true for this high-schooler. Time constraints that day prevented anything else from taking place, but she did promise more later. My mind would wander while doing homework in my room...should I initiate or wait for her lead? She was more openly affectionate toward me since that day, usually touching my shoulder or cheek when passing by or a kiss on the top of the head while studying...unheard of actions before our exploration episode. I had over the years explored Mom's underwear in her dresser and found nothing that was sexy or even cut briefly. Everything was cotton or inexpensive blends and all white. Also, I had studied the undergarment sections of the Sears & Roebuck catalogues of the day because any stray Playboy magazines were scarce among my friend's Dads. But one lucky thing was our neighbors across the road. The lady of the house was a college professor in Home Economics. Their library had several illustrated textbooks concerning f****y planning. These books were richly illustrated with great drawings of the female body and reproductive parts. Even described much to my ...
    delight various female body shapes and breast sizes as they affected the health of the woman. All this increased my curiousness of the female anatomy. With no girls my age living close by to "play Dr." with, my attention zeroed in on Mom long before the day I saw her bare breasts while working with her in the field. After searching through Mom's pantie drawer and foundation wear a couple times even that gets passe and one can only turn to fantasy because that way things turn out the way you want...Sure enough one day I was at my desk studying one afternoon when she came home from a meeting nicely dressed. As she walked by me into the adjacent closet, I noticed something different, something she hadn't been seen in before. My curiosity was aroused, not to mention something else. I considered following her in, but decided not to without being invited. In a short while he emerged and I saw the heretofore unseen sheer, push-up bra, no dress, just a half-slip. "Wow!" I said, "a new look?" "Sure, do you like?" she asked. "it makes me look like I have more than I do." I feasted my eyes on the twin modest orbs exposed over the top of the bra and her nipples outlined in the sheer front. Compared to most bras, this one seemed to nest her breasts like two fine Faberge' eggs instead of harnessing them. While I was mesmerized by her lovely bra and bust, she had her arms around my shoulders and her hand rubbing my face and fingers through my hair. I lay down my homework as she asked, "I ...