To the Victor Go the Spoils. Pt: 3
Date: 12/5/2015, Categories: Fiction, Authoritarian, BDSM, Bondage and restriction, Domination/submission, Male Domination, Sado-Masochism, Slavery, Stockholm Syndrome, Author: masterKDean2014, Rating: 84.2, Source: sexstories.com
*IMPORTANT* This is a new account for superkev123, I can no longer access my old one, so I am re-posting all my old ones here, and will also be uploading new ones. Chapter 3 Sara awoke feeling sore and stiff. For a moment, she forgot where she was or why she was hurting. She tried to sit up, but the pain in her back was unbearable. She managed to wedge herself on her side and look around the room once more. The walls and the floor were made out of grey cement. She was lying on a silver piece of metal. The only other objects in the room were a metal toilet and a bright florescent light mounted to the ceiling. She moaned at the pain in her back and the ache in her breasts. The memory of what had happened returned. What time is it? she wondered. The room had no windows except a small one in the door, but Sara could only see darkness behind it. Defeated, she laid down on the bed again until she had to go to the bathroom. She was terrified at the thought of using the exposed toilet. However, the thought of it at all made her have to go even worse. What do you care what they see? She tried to motivate herself to use it as her need increased. With a frustrated sigh, she forced her body to stand and walk over to it. She stared at it for a while and then sat down. She tried to hurry as fast as she could. When she was finished, she realized that there was no toilet paper or any clothing for her. She was going to be left in this room dirty and naked. Stumbling back to the bed, she ...