1. Diavolo Ch 08

    Date: 8/20/2015, Categories: Love Stories, Author: Levanahyll, Rating: 7, Source: LushStories

    Abigail’s eyes rounded when they turned onto Rodeo Drive. Gabriel spoke through the intercom to the driver to let them off for a while. It was an entirely different world here. You could smell the scent of money in the air. Gabriel entwined his fingers through hers and walked slowly down the street. “Don’t you think you’re pushing yourself a bit too fast too soon?” she asked, concerned. He looked down at her, his gorgeous green eyes blocked by a pair of dark sunglasses. “I want to spoil you a bit,” he answered. “Spoil me?” He turned into the entrance of a boutique, before she put the brakes on. “No,” she bit out, undaunted by the scowl that turned his generous lips down. “No?” “I don’t want you to buy me things like I’m some floozy.” His frown twitched. He took a deep breath and smiled. “How can I get pissed when you say cute shit like that?” “I mean it, Gabriel. I don’t want you buying me things.” “But that’s what boyfriends do, baby. We spoil our girls.” She shook her head, looking at the glass window displays to either side of them. “This place looks outrageously expensive.” He ran his hand through his hair, obviously forgetting he’d tied it back. A few black strands came loose making him look way too sexy. “Shit, Abs. It’s just money.” “Fine. If you want to throw it away while people starve everywhere, that’s your business, but I will not participate in any of that.” He took off his sunglasses now and glared down at her. “Geez, Abby. The owner of this shop is an old ...
    friend of my grandmother’s, and, yeah, she charges a lot for her stuff, but she works damn hard at what she does and everything is handmade by her. She doesn’t live in a fancy mansion, but has a modest home she shares with about a dozen foster kids that she and her sister take care of. She refuses to take charity from me so the most I can do is throw lots of business her way whenever I can.” Abigail stared up at him, completely aggrieved by her rash words now. Handmade clothing created by an elderly lady, to feed her foster children. What could be more touching than that? Lillian was a lovely woman who was only in her late sixties. She hugged and kissed Gabriel on his cheek, and gave the same amount of affection to Abigail when he introduced her as his girlfriend. They talked as Lillian took her measurements until Gabriel’s phone began ringing. He frowned when he saw the screen and ignored the call until it rang four more times in a row. He stepped out to answer it, leaving Abigail alone with Lillian. The woman smiled at her as she measured Abigail from hip to ankle. “He’s a sweetheart. Don’t let his sometimes grumpy attitude mislead you to thinking otherwise.” Abigail smiled down at her. “You look like a good girl. I’m glad he’s finally found someone like you. Stardom can come with plenty of loneliness.” “I’m pretty sure it comes with plenty of things, but I doubt Gabriel was ever lonely. Women clamor after him.” Lillian made a moue of distaste. “Leeches. Only after his fame and ...