Her name is Rosie
Date: 11/14/2017, Categories: Love Stories, Author: AlexForemen, Rating: 3, Source: LushStories
beautiful Rosie. It was just before noon, and Rosie arrived carrying a basket. Today she was wearing shorts, very much like the ones she had on yesterday, and a short t-shirt that barely covered her boobs. In fact, if she raised her arms, her boobs would be in clear view. As soon as Rosie arrived we kissed. Then she said, “I made us sandwiches. Can we go back to the park? I liked sitting under that tree.” “That works for me.” I grabbed a couple bottles of pop, I had a blanket in my trunk, and off we went. I was crazy about this girl. I pictured us married, having kids, and growing old together. We arrived at the park and walked to our tree. I spread out the blanket, and we sat down. Rosie made us a couple of tuna fish sandwiches. Although the sandwiches were excellent, they didn’t take long to eat. And, by not having to go get lunch, we had more time to spend together. When we finished eating, we kissed, and talked. Rosie was just perfect in every way. A few minutes later, Rosie laid back on the blanket, and raised her arms over her head Her breathtaking boobs were there for me to appreciate. The look in Rosie’s eyes said, I want to make love, now. “Rosie, you know we are in a park, and people could walk by.” “Yes I know, I just want to make love to you. “Rosie I so want to make love to you too. But not here.” I extended my hand, helped her sit up, looked into her eyes, and told her, “I have the perfect place to make love. Let’s pick up our stuff, drive back to the station. ...