Date: 11/10/2017, Categories: Fantasy & Sci-Fi, Author: tomcat, Rating: 4, Source: LushStories
and drought, the world became a wasteland. Because much of the vegetation died and the heat, the winds blew with great speed. This in turn, eroded the land even more which of course made wind speed increase more. It had been a long time since I had met another human being and the last one I met I had to shoot dead, because he threatened my life. While I adjusted my shemagh, I did a little calculating. If one in the then, thousand people, survived, there would still be one thousand survivors of the ten million that died. There had to be more people alive out there. With my shemagh adjusted, I picked up my M4 carbine and took the reins of the pack horse and set off on the street, moving from cover to cover. Suddenly, military skill and instinct made me aware I was close to walking into an ambush. It was the way the street formed, the debris was positioned and the soft sounds that put my senses on high alert. I moved in a ruined building and observed the situation. There were only two places anyone plotting an ambush could be. With stealth, I slowly moved through the ruins, making sure I stayed out of sight and made little noise. I came close to the first place I pointed out, and I was right. A person dressed in low visibility clothes was lying on the floor of the building with a rifle shouldered, observing the part of the street I avoided. Slowly but surely I crawled closer. Then I moved from behind my cover and called out. ‘You there, with rifle, stand up slow and leave the ...