The Tease (Part 2)
Date: 11/10/2017, Categories: Voyeur, Author: Adamgunn, Rating: 5, Source: LushStories
Just not yet." Tuesday, as I edited and submitted the two very different submissions, I noticed she wasn't home. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I called her Wednesday, eight o'clock. She wasn't home yet, and when she answered I heard the sounds of a restaurant, the voice of a man. "This is Audrey," she said, in a most impersonal voice. "Hey, it's me." "Oh, hello. I can't talk right now, I'm in the middle of something, can I call you back later?" "Sure," I agreed. I didn't hear from her the rest of the night, but I saw her lights come on around eleven. She didn't open her drapes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "There were some guys in from corporate, we had to take them to dinner. It went late, and I didn't see your lights on," Audrey explained over the phone the next day. "So I didn't call." "That's fine," I agreed, "Want to do something tonight?" "I can't, they're still here, we're going to have a long night tonight. There's some changes going down, and it's pretty intense. Why don't we do something Friday? Say about eight?" "Sure," I agreed. That night, when she still wasn't home at midnight, I wondered if there really was a corporate visit, or . . . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Listen," she said when she telephoned later, "A very old friend from college is going to be in San Francisco Friday night, and I'll only have this one chance to see her. Would you mind terribly if I canceled? I haven't seen her in years. Please don't be mad, okay?" Peevishly, I agreed, "Sure, Saturday?" "Oh, ...