1. The Slime Pit at The O Club

    Date: 11/9/2017, Categories: Dark Fantasy, Domination/submission, Exhibitionism, Female exhibitionist, Female/Female, Humiliation, Author: The_Technician, Rating: 93, Source: sexstories.com

    little pleasure first.” She handed Sally one of the drinks and she downed it. Sally started to pick up another glass, but Kelly told her, “That’s for after you finish me.” Kelly lay down on the low bed and pulled Sally down between her legs. “You can have another before your start on Tawana.” Sally had never actually gone down on another girl before, except in her fantasies, but she was a girl, so she knew what felt good to her, and she had read enough porn on-line to know what was expected of her. Besides, she could tell that the herbs coursing through her system were not only highly stimulating her sexually, they were also lowering her inhibitions. Actually, having finished her fourth glass, she could tell that her inhibitions were now pretty well gone, so she dove between Kelly’s legs and began lapping and slurping. Soon Kelly was bucking up to grind into her face, and shortly thereafter, Kelly grabbed Sally’s head and crushed it against herself as she screamed out a long drawn out, “Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssss!” When Sally raised her head, Tawana was standing there with another glass of the blue band special. “This stuff’s got a drug in it, doesn’t it?” Sally slurred out. “It’s an apple... aphro... apharodeo... ... it makes me horny, doesn’t it?” Before any of her friends could answer, Sally gave a really loopy grin and said, “I like it.” She then took the glass from Tawana and downed it in one long gulp. “Next!” she said, and Tawana slid onto the bed in front of her. As ...
    she was driving Tawana higher and higher with her tongue, Julie knelt behind her and began lapping at her from behind. Sally started making shrill grunting noises in time with Julie’s attacks on her ass and cunt. Tawana grabbed her hair, pulled her in tighter and said “If you cum before you get me off, I am going to beat your ass purple.” After that, her grunts were a little less shrill and sounded like she was trying to hold them back. Finally Tawana threw her head back and gave a shrill scream of climax. Sally’s very loud cry immediately followed as Julie drove her flat against Tawana and continued to nibble and bite between her legs. *** It took Sally a few moments to realize that the bright flashing lights were not part of her intense orgasm. The small spotlights were shining through the glass wall onto the bed, and the lights within the room were flashing on and off. The announcer’s voice boomed through the speakers in the room, “Sally Winters, your ride awaits you. Come on down!” The four security women were already in the room by the time Sally got up from the bed on very wobbly legs. She grabbed the last glass of blue liquid from the table and was hurriedly chugging it down as they led her back out to the lobby where the pole awaited her. Sally realized that with the amount of the herb stimulant that was now in her system her thinking had to be fogged with pure lust, but it still registered on her befuddled mind as they strapped her into place, that the display on the ...