the nude model's first sitting
Date: 11/8/2017, Categories: First Time, Hardcore, Mature, Author: diddliedoo, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster
Mary was surprised to see the young man as he walked into the studio. She had submitted a request for a model in the local newspaper, but didn’t really expect anyone in the small town she lived in to respond. About six feet tall, muscular and very handsome with a head full of wavy brown hair. He asked if the model position had been filled and she asked him his age. When he responded by saying he was 22, she told him he had the job if he wanted it. “You do know that the job is for a nude model?” She asked. He looked at Mary and smiled. She was attractive for a 65 year old woman, but he didn’t seem to be embarrassed by the question. Perhaps her age did set him at ease. After all, all she wanted to do was sketch him. “I’m ok with that.” He responded and then followed Mary to the back room in the studio. She left him alone to get undressed. She left a robe and a towel in case he grew uncomfortable. When she returned he was sitting on the stool with his legs turned away from her. The contours of his body were breathless. She had sketched more than her share of nudes, but this young man was among the best specimens she had ever seen. She walked to her easel and picked up a pencil. She gave him a few directions as to how she wanted him posed, but after a few tries she put down her tools and walked over to him. “I need you to move so I can see all of you.” She told him. He shifted on his stool with a hint of apprehension. “I don’t mean to me rude, but I have never been naked in ...