Wendy & Tommy: A Dark Story – Part 3
Date: 11/7/2017, Categories: First Time, Hardcore, Taboo, Author: Mark234-satx, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster
Wendy & Tommy: A Dark Story – Part 3Warning: This story involves (I)ncest & Bondage…if this will offend you, Do Not read this story! --------- Chapter 3 Kathy has fun playing with Wendy & Tommy… Late that same night Kathy awakens, she doesn’t feel as if she has been dr(u)gged, and that makes her feel good…. She lay there awake thinking about the twins…she wasn’t enjoying being tied up, or having been k*dnapped by this odd f****y…why were they doing this to her…at least they hadn’t mistreated her yet…Of course, they were sexually abusing her, mentally & physically, but that didn’t bother her…and she didn’t know why…she felt that she should…but the longer she thought about the twins, the more aroused she became…she had enjoyed watching them fucking…. --------------- The next morning she was awoken by birds chirping, insects buzzing, and other noises from outside the small window, high on the basement wall. Her pussy was a bit sore, now. After lying awake with her thoughts during the night, she was so aroused she had fingerfucked herself until she came a half dozen times, thinking about Tommy’s cock thrusting into his twin s****r’s hairless little pussy… Her thoughts were interrupted by Wendy & Tommy as they entered the room a few minutes after she awoke. Wendy carried in her breakfast of eggs & sausage on a tray, and Tommy brought in the folding table. With seeing the food she immediately got out of bed, dragging the chain about her ankle and began to eat. While she ate the ...