Mean Cousin Treating Me Like A Slut Durning Xmas
Date: 11/7/2017, Categories: Gay Male, Hardcore, Taboo, Author: xXSecondCitySaintXx, Rating: 93, Source: xHamster
I love when Christmas time comes around every year because I always get tons of gifts mostly because I am the only c***d of my parents so they and my extended f****y usually lavish me with presents. One part of the holiday I could care less for is that my cousins from out of state come up every year to stay with us for Christmas. Now I love my aunt, uncle and my cousin June but my other cousin Richard is always a dick to me. Richard is a year older than me seven teen years old while I am just six teen and in his mind it gives him permission to be an asshole. I am already a quiet type of person but Richard is loud and obnoxious usually digging threw my room for stuff that he always seems to end up "accidentally" taking home with him. So usually when its time for my aunt and uncle show up I look forward to seeing them and June who is the same age as me and unlike her b*****r she is a sweetie. The night they were arriving I waited downstairs with my parents until their car pulled up outside and they slowly made their way into the house. I gave my aunt, uncle and June a hug while Richard just grinned at me "Hey cuz". Now around adults Richard acts like an angel but as soon as you get alone with him he turns into a different person. We all stood in the living room talking when Richard looked at me "Wanna go hang out in your room?". I didn't really want to but I acted nice and agreed as we both went upstairs to my room where Richard shut the door "How you been fuck head?" he ...