1. ProfNigma Stories #6: Power Trip #6

    Date: 11/4/2017, Categories: Celebrities, Author: FrankSinner, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster

    that really stuck out happened between Jade and Tori in the truck's backseat. Tori had gently touched Jade's arm, and whispered how happy she was that Jade was ok. Jade was surprised by the touch, but found herself comforted that her friend was there for her. All the snarkiness that she usually held tight to was whisked away and she smiled sweetly and Tori and held her hand for a few moments. The sight didn't go unnoticed by Sam or Nate who tried not to read too much into the vibes between the two girls. As soon as the truck halted by the warehouse where everything changed, Jade and Sam were out of the vehicle and rushed to where Freddie had been buried. Tori and Nate followed behind and he made quick work of the grave, lifting and moving the dirt around until they found him… and the sight was pretty disturbing. They were certainly right that Freddie was still alive, but what lay before them was Freddie's body which was moving normally, seeing that he apparently had been trying to dig his way to the surface, but that wasn't the worst of it. The worst, was his head, which was in 8 pieces on the ground, each piece moving around on its own trying to reform into a functioning face. Carly had to pull away and start throwing up at the sight, joined by Tori and Andre whose stomachs couldn't handle the sight. Jade and Sam were certainly horrified, but they just held onto hope that he might be saved. Then he spoke. "Guys," the mouth tried to say despite being two separate pieces ...
    joining together. "I know this looks bad, but I think you… shut up… no, not you guysssss." Apparently the 's' was too much and the mouth separated. It re-joined again, and he continued, "Sorry… I need to be re-joined and I think Jade, you might… Yes, I know… sorry… could help me." "Anything," she rushed her answer, pushing Sam back, happy to be the one that he asked for. "What do I do?" "You could… strip for me baby… I mean… you could fire up. Then melt me just enough to get… well, yes, I get it, you're horny… jeez… Sorry, I'm kinda cracking up. Melt me and get me all back together." Jade was honestly afraid of what was wrong with him, but she couldn't help but think it would be fixed it she saved him. "Here goes," she said, taking her jacket off, instantly producing flaming arms. Once she saw he was ready, she shot the fire towards his head. "Aaah!" he screamed, causing her to stop. "No… keep going, ignore the screams until I say our safe word!" The rest of the crew knew the seriousness of the situation but the fact that they had a safe word was probably one of the more humorous aspects of their relationship, and they waited with baited breath to hear what it was. The fires returned and so did the screaming until finally Freddie shouted out. "Peanuts!" The crack of giggling luckily sounded out the sound of Freddie's skin crackling as Jade looked down at what she had done. Freddie was… well, he was in one piece, but he was currently shifting around, desperately trying to find a ...