1. Dark Temptations, Sweet Indulgence: Part 1

    Date: 11/4/2017, Categories: Supernatural, Author: Snick95, Rating: 1, Source: LushStories

    of control warring inside me. Rin's lips leave mine and travel to my ear. My whole body shivers when her cool breath hits my neck. "Let go." she whispers and I cave. I grip her hips and pull her body hard against mine, crushing my mouth to hers. We fall on the bed and the fear of crushing her doesn't register. Her body is cold and hard, and all I want to do is make her warmer. For once I am near her without feeling the ravenous thirst for her blood. The only thirst I felt at the moment is the thirst to have her body writhing beneath mine. I tear away at her lingerie, exposing her naked body to me. She returns the gesture by ripping my clothes to shreds. I found it odd she is able to do this with human strength. Rin's lips attack mine, her tongue parting my lips and entering my mouth. Moans sound from both of us. I can't take much more. I pin her to the bed and ravenously thrust into her. Her nails gouge in my back. Immediately I feel blood flow out of the wounds, but I barely care. I continue to ravish her body. "Rin..." I moan her name. Suddenly I am being thrown off of her. I look up at her and find myself staring at an infuriated Lennox. "Did you just call me by that mortal wench's name?" She growls. I am unable to answer her for I am in complete shock. My hands began shaking even as I bawled them in fists. "Have you already bedded her, Jayden?" "Get out, Lennox," I say through gritted teeth. When it became apparent she wasn't going to, my fury grew. "I said get out! And ...
    if you even go to Rin's room and harm her, believe me when I say you will deeply regret it. Now go!" Lennox snarled at me gnashing her teeth in a fit, but thankfully left. Enraged, I kick the chair, sending it flying and crashing against the farthest wall. I'd never felt so disgusted with myself as much as I did then. I had just bedded Lennox with Rin's face in mind and gave into that whore. In order to rid her touch on my skin I grab a towel, and shower. After the shower, I put on some underwear and called it a night. Sleep evaded me for a while, worry over Lennox creeping in Rin's room made it impossible. So I got up and went to check on the mortal. When all I seemed fine I retired for the night. ----------------------- A few hours passed when I heard a light knock on my door then the sound of the knob turning. I shoot forward to see who my intruder is, and see that it's Rin standing by the door. Her dark brown hair is slightly matted to her head, mussed up from I assumed a restless slumber. "What are you doing here, Rin? Go back to your room." I order, still agitated from earlier. "It's too hot in my room. So may I sleep in here with you?" she asks lowly. I take a second to think this through, then nod giving her the okay. Rin steps further in my room, closing and locking the door behind her. She briskly runs over to my bed and climbs in. Once under the sheet she scoots up against me and rolls over on her side. With her back facing me, I coil my arms around her and pull her ...