Pretty Feet
Date: 11/4/2017, Categories: Fetish, Author: NymphWriter, Rating: , Source: LushStories
clean and dry, I got dressed. Mr. Cagaha fixed his pants and returned to his desk. I grabbed my purse and began to leave when he said, “Don’t forget your money, Pretty Feet.” I paused. I knew I needed the money, but I couldn’t help but feel like a whore. I swallowed my pride and stepped over to the desk, only now there were three stacks. “What’s this?” “A bonus for making me cum the way you did.” I bit my lower lip, then grabbed the three stacks of cash, shoved them into my purse, mumbled, “Thank you,” and ran for the door. I’m sure he said something, but I was too busy running. The salon was empty, the door was locked, and it was dark outside. I looked around and realized the door was a double key. Mr. Cagaha stepped out, gave me a kind smile, and said as he unlocked the door, “In case you didn’t hear me, I said you were welcome and I hope we can do business again soon.” He opened the door and the cool night air coated my skin. There was a freshness surrounding me as I fumbled with my keys and unlocked my car. I noticed Mr. Cagaha watched until I drove away. I was convinced I was going to get caught with all this money in my purse, but that never happened. I arrived home, to my nearly empty apartment, hid the money, and cried. I told myself that I would get money orders for my rent and utilities after my interview, and buy some groceries. I showered, then did my best to sleep. The next morning I showered again, got dressed, and drove to my interview. The Little Boutique ...