1. Wife's interracial adventure - a true story o

    Date: 11/2/2017, Categories: Interracial Sex, Author: ir_curious, Rating: 50, Source: xHamster

    the plasma screen tv to play back Ash’s recordings of our session. It was a fun afternoon spend watching that recording, the guys sitting on the sofa, whilst I lay slutishly across them, still toying with those cocks, which I just couldn’t leave alone. It was late in the day by the time the guys finally left the house and I can say with no hesitation that they left behind a very satisfied and exhausted woman. Those 24 hours marked a huge sea change in mine and Matt’s marriage. If there’s anyone reading this who’s considering something similar then I can tell you unreservedly that in many ways it made us much stronger as a couple. Matt truly learned to understand much better my needs and desires and, like the man that every woman hopes to marry, he accepted and responded to those needs. We talked about what had happened that day and whether it should just be a one-off or perhaps something more. Of course it was obvious really that having taken the lid off this particular bottle, the genie was well and truly out, there was no going back to our safe, dull coupling. My curiosity had been sparked and I knew that this was a lifestyle that was right for us. It did mean some ...
    sacrifices for Matt of course. He would forever be sharing me now, with guys that were always going to be younger, fitter, and frankly more sexually equipped and able. But he knew that in return I would always be sharing that pleasure with him, so that he could appreciate the pleasure and fulfilment it gave me. Since that session last summer I’ve done lots of reading up on this whole scene on the web (isn’t this website a helpful resource don’t you think?!). For those that know lots about this stuff (and our knowledge is increasing at an exponential rate these days) the general theme that seems to cover what me and Matt now have definitely comes under the “Cuckold” banner. I’m not sure that truly reflects what we have, for instance I wouldn’t dream of wanting to deny Matt access to my pussy and the rest of my fit bod (He’s looking over my shoulder with relief as I’m typing this). But I do recognise elements of this genre. I do enjoy watching my hubby lick other guys’ cum from my body and I absolutely get wet at the thought of him watching me perform sluttishly with my (ever increasing) circle of black admirers. More on that last subject in another post I think. Kisses, xxx