1. Contract Hit Man7

    Date: 11/1/2017, Categories: Straight Sex, Author: mitchawa, Rating: 1, Source: LushStories

    another block, stepped into an alley and dialed her number. A man answered the phone. “Is the residence of Joseph Smith?” I asked. “No you shit head, learn how to dial your damn phone.” He hung up. I walked several blocks, hailed a cab, and directed the cabbie to my hotel room. * * * He was sitting in a black van, one block from the Starbucks, with a small pair of binoculars he scanned the entrance to the coffee shop. At exactly 10:00, a female dressed slovenly, with a big hat and sunglasses arrived at Starbucks. I drove the car slowly toward the entrance. Gloria saw the black van pulling to the front of the establishment. She quickly crossed the sidewalk, between two parked cars, and opened the door of the van. Slipping into the seat, she closed the door bending over. When she rose, she had a gun in her hand except it wasn’t Gloria, it was a man. I jammed the accelerator to the floor causing the man to fall back in his seat surprised. I stomped on the brake and the man flew forward into the windshield. He dropped the gun and groaned , “Oooooo!” I gave him a karate chop to the side of the neck knocking him to the door and the floor. I drew his pistol and drove off driving the speed limit until he got to the freeway. The man continued to groan while trying to get up. I checked to see if they were being followed. They weren’t. He drove to an off ramp, stopped the van, opened the door, and shoved the man out of the car. At the intersection, he turned left, and left again back ...
    onto the freeway heading back to town. Damn that ruins my plan. I assume that Gloria’s husband and the rest of the outfit knew it was me, but maybe not. I’ll call Ayana and see if she knows anything about this. I retrieved my phone and dialed her number. It rang three times. “Dale.where have you been for two weeks?” “I’m sorry, but the simple job they sent me on turned out to be more complicated than I thought. I’ve been working sixteen hour days since I saw you last.” “How did your clothes get in my bedroom?” “I dropped them off thinking I’d be done with the project, but it didn’t happen.” “Are you going to come over? I haven’t been laid since the last time we were together.” “I was planning on that. Has anything happen while I’ve been working?” “Have you heard about the cars of daddies outfit were stolen last weekend?” “No, I haven’t. What happened?” She gave some sketchy details about the stolen cars and said the cars were insured so the robberies were only an inconvenience. She continued by saying her father was mad and upset that someone would actually steal his cars. “I can understand that, has anything else happened?” “You mean aside from my lack of a love life?” I laughed. “We’ll make up for that in about an hour. Nothing of interest has happened to you or the outfit?” “No that I know of”, she hesitated and then said, “There was some plot by someone to pick up Gloria Rossi, but my father said that issue would be taken care of this morning.” “I’m glad to hear that. Get ...