My Morning Routine - Take Me Like Your Coffee 2
Date: 10/31/2017, Categories: Voyeur, Author: TakeMeLikeYourCoffee, Rating: 5, Source: LushStories
Up until a week ago, my morning routine was always the same. I’d brush my teeth waiting for the kettle to boil and make myself a cup of instant coffee. The view from my window-seat always made me relaxed and thoughtful, so I’d sip my coffee there. While looking down onto the street I would have that feeling of waking up together with the city, being a part of it. I’d watch parked cars drive off, smartly dressed people pace their way to work, shops and cafes opening their eyelids. I’d especially love that wee cafe across the street waking up from its overnight rest. The owner, a tiny ginger girl, always arrives just before 6:30am and wrestles with heavy security blinds. The rattle is unbelievable and probably wakes up the whole street. I feel as if watching this is just as important part of my morning, as my coffee. So anyway, the owner wrestles with the lock, but then usually flips up the metal barrier in one swift move. After she drags inside the deliveries of milk and newspapers, she disappears inside to continue her pre-opening routine. I usually watch this whole spectacle, and by this point my coffee is most of the time luke warm, often untouched. To be honest, I don’t even like instant coffee anyway, since it doesn’t have a smell. One early morning, few days ago, the noise of cafe’s shutters woke me up. I was convinced that I overslept, since the noise always marked the 6:30am, so I jumped out of bed immediately. It was only after I brushed my teeth, that I looked at ...