Sisterhood of Sin -- 17 -- Retaliation Station
Date: 10/30/2017, Categories: Crossdressing, Author: LastWife, Rating: 5, Source: LushStories
up. I don't think tonight is a good time to discuss that, but let's try having a conversation about our future tomorrow night. I want to hear your long term plans for this sisterhood, including your exit strategy for when our kids have left the nest. I don't want us under their thumb for longer than we have to be." Exit strategy? Shit! That's the last thing on my mind. I don't understand why he feels we are under their thumb. "I think a good heart-to-heart might be a good idea. I look forward to that." He smiles. "I couldn't enjoy watching the movie without you. You were too damned distracting." I take a lesson that I learned from Chelsea. "Thank you, Sir. I'll take that as a compliment." "I've set it back to start over. I could use a drink. How about you?" I know that I don't have to continue being submissive. The bonds are off and I can refuse. I can throw a hissy fit about the way he treated me, but I got what I really wanted, some serious insight into his dark side, plus an unexpected bonus, a commitment to ...