1. Keeping To A Schedule

    Date: 10/30/2017, Categories: Voyeur, Author: Porgy87, Rating: 7, Source: LushStories

    which was an old-fashioned calling card with a single line of print on it: “Marilyn Josephson.” It was made of a thick paper stock and the lettering was actually embossed, as it would be from a genuine stationer rather than from an online service. On the back, written in blue ink that appeared to be from a fountain pen, was this: “Call 212-555-4097 if you wish to discuss our behaviour.” When I looked up, she – Marilyn? – was sitting across from me as usual. For the second time in fifteen seconds I was startled, utterly astonished really, by this: she was wearing a pants suit! She carried her slim black leather case and her New York Times, and it was certainly her, but I was completely thrown. She did not look at me as the car filled up, and from 242nd Street to 116th Street the remainder of my ride was normal. She kept her legs and knees as she always did, but there was no flash of thigh to see. My memory is good, though, which made it possible for me to masturbate as usual from 9:52 to 10:02, recalling the many times I had seen her thighs and her pussy, even as it was hidden behind the cotton, lace, or nylon of her undergarments. That day, in fact, I believe I came much harder and faster than usual because of the novelty of the situation. I take a break at 11:45 every morning that I don’t teach a class, and that is a time that I don’t usually schedule for a specific activity. That morning I closed the door to my office and looked at my telephone. Inhaling deeply, once, ...
    and blowing out my cheeks as I exhaled, I said out loud, “OK, do this.” I dialed the number on the card quickly, before I could find a reason to delay. The phone rang once, and a woman’s voice answered. “Hello?” “Hello, I believe you gave me a calling card this morning with this number to call. About our behavior?” “Yes. I did. Do not speak again unless I ask you a direct question. Do you understand?” “What?” “I told you not to speak again if you want to continue this call, other than as an answer to a direct question from me. Do you understand?” “Yes. Uh… yes.” “I know everything about you that I care to know, which is nothing at all other than your appearance. You now know my name and a telephone number to call if you wish to speak with me. If we continue to have this relationship, that will be the extent of our knowledge of each other. Does that satisfy you?” “I don’t know about ‘satisfy,’ exactly, but...” “ ‘Answer questions directly,’ I said. If you cannot obey that requirement I will end this call and accept no further calls from you. This is the last warning. Do my terms satisfy you?” “Yes.” “Good. I have been showing you myself every morning for many weeks. I do this because it satisfies me. I kept myself covered this morning to remind you that it is my choice alone to do so. I do not wish to have any other interaction with you. I do not wish to greet you; I do not wish to know who you are; I do not wish to know anything at all about you, other than this: Do you enjoy ...