1. Snowed In

    Date: 10/30/2017, Categories: Bisexual, Author: Sweetaboo, Rating: 7, Source: LushStories

    At just six o'clock, the sun had been down now for over three hours and it would be another sixteen hours until the bitter and long December darkess would lift once again. The day started out with bone-chilling single-digits. Yet it was a bright sunny day for the short four hours we experienced it. That's a fairly typical winter day here in Wasilla, where sunny means bitter cold. But the clouds were rolling in, the temperature was getting up into the teens, and it would soon snow. This storm was predicted to be a big one. Good thing Jeff and I recently got a good discount on studded tires for both of our trucks. We talked about breaking out the snowmachines and heading out to Big Lake once I got back from the Hawaiian cruise I was to take with my mother and sister. My boyfriend, Jeff, a longshoreman, had just come home from a 20-hour shift at the Port of Anchorage. Brutally masculine and Alaska rugged, working such shifts in such uncompromising weather was something he took in stride. He was definitely a sourdough, Alaska born and raised. We met at Mad Myrna's, where a friend invited me to go to a drag show he was performing in. As I watched the show, all I could do was stare at that handsome, 41-year-old, 6'4” husky-built guy across the bar, slowly sipping his Alaskan Amber beer, tossing me an occasional smile through his thick dark stubble and bright blue eyes. Fast forward three years and we were living together in a small secluded cabin in the Matanuska Valley, between ...
    Palmer and Wasilla. My name is Eric. I'm 28. I have an average build, but have put on a fair amount of weight since moving to Alaska. I have arms full of tattoos. I speak in what many say is a sexy southern drawl. I use words like “ain't” and “y'all” without even thinking about it. I was born and raised in Lebanon, Tennessee, the heart of the Bible Belt. Despite that, my family is fairly liberal (though firmly Christian). They always knew I was gay and, in fact, they came out to me with this even before I really knew myself. They told me that my nephew, Kevin, is gay. Even so, I left Tennessee not completely secure with calling myself that. I came to Alaska for a change of scenery. Seriously, that's why everyone here ends up here. It seems very few relocate here for any specific purpose. But I ended up falling in love with the Last Frontier and decided to call it home. I also finally came to terms with my sexuality, or so I thought. I had just finished putting another armfull of logs into the wood stove when our big white Malamute, Denali, rushed to the door. As Jeff walked in, a strong gust of frigid winter air, mixed with the first snowflakes of the big storm, rushed into the cabin along with him. Down, Boy!” Jeff hollered to Denali as our dog jumped up and lathered my man's face with dog spit. Jeff walked over to me and gave me a gentle kiss on the lips. “How's my baby?” he said to me. “I'm gonna miss you,” I said. I was going to fly to Los Angeles to meet my mother and ...