Friday Night; Dinner and a Shower
Date: 10/29/2017, Categories: Straight Sex, Author: Taiyouai, Rating: 2, Source: LushStories
You are just getting home. We have a small two bedroom apartment; it’s a good temporary home while we save up for a place of our own. As you open the front door, the smell of food gently breezes past you. Steak, mashed potatoes, and nice thick gravy are just being plated. You set your things down by the door, and walk over to the kitchen/dining room. You then wrap your arms around my waist and lay your head against my shoulder. “Long day at work,” I softly ask as I finish topping the mashed potatoes with some gravy. You kiss me on the neck and smile. “At least it’s over and I’m here with you,” you reply as you quickly sit down, before I have a chance to pull your chair out. I set the pots back on the stove and join you. “So how did it go?” We start to eat in between replies. “Fairly well, just long, and busy.” “Get much done?” “Yes, though there is a lot more to do.” “At least you have the next two days to relax here with me.” “True but who says we are going to relax.” As you finish your sentence you suck on your fork teasing me, and slide your food up my leg, and down my other leg. “What about you?” I lightly bite my lip. “M-my day went well,” I manage to reply. “Work was the same as always, I got off a few minutes early and decided to start on dinner and clean up a little.” “Oh, what did you clean?” “Swept the laundry room, and cleaned up a little in the bedroom.” “Bedroom wasn’t dirty though.” I smirk and continue eating. After a short moment of silence and you teasing me ...