Test tube infidelity
Date: 10/28/2017, Categories: Sex Humor, Author: aramislake, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster
who turn up with people who are evidently not their partners; Muslim women inseminated by their sterile husbands’ b*****rs, as their religion mandates; and even what she calls "Boris Beckers"– women who try to have themselves inseminated with sperm they have collected through oral sex. “Cheating between couples is something that has always happened, and always will,” says López-Teijón. “The only thing we’re concerned about is that we don’t make a mistake. Doctors are not police officers. What happened with Mr X wasn’t an error, there is no legal liability. We’re not here to prevent those kinds of things happening… and we don’t really care,” she concludes. “Even if there is no liability, that was clearly a case of poor practice,” says Esther Farnós. “It’s true that some fraud cannot be avoided, but this one could have been. A sperm sample has consequences in terms of paternity, and it is astonishing that with something so important they never bothered to ask the man to identify himself. The problem is that there are no rules, there are not even any voluntary guidelines, but there are lobbies that have pressured hard to keep these legal loopholes open because it’s good for business.” But Fernando Abellán, a legal consultant with the Spanish Fertility Society, says that clinics have to walk a fine line between “behaving like the police” and “clarifying people’s marital status and identity”. He says there is a danger of over-bureaucratizing the process to deal with ...