1. A Highland Fling

    Date: 10/27/2017, Categories: Lesbian, Author: KatieElizabeth, Rating: 37, Source: LushStories

    the water, the mist quickly turned into a thick fog, swallowing everything in an enveloping whiteness. I could barely see ten feet in front of me. The only way to stop myself wandering in an unwanted direction was to follow the raised kerb at the side of the road and hope that took me to Jen's hotel. The fog shrouded everything and even familiar sights such as benches and lamp posts were given a ghost like mysteriousness in the dense white shroud that now hung over the town. After ten minutes of walking I started to notice a faint odour of wood smoke pervading the air. I changed course to follow it and two minutes later the white stone walls and brightly lit lamps above the thick wooden door of The Waterside Arms loomed up at me through the fog. I opened the door and entered the reception area of the hotel, glad to be out of the chill night air. The bar was well signed and I was amazed with what I saw when I got there. The solid flag stoned floor was surrounded by ornate oak panelled walls that were adorned with a variety of Highland themed oil portraits and paintings. To the left of the bar there was a large log and peat fire roaring away behind a wrought iron grate. To the right of the bar was a second, much larger fireplace. It wasn't lit, but instead was stacked high with seasoned beech logs ready to top up the other fire should the flames die down too much. Each table in the bar was seductively lit by a tea light candle placed in a thistle shaped brass holder. Solid ...
    oak sofas and armchairs, with thick red velvet padded cushions, surrounded each table. I spotted Jen sitting waiting for me on the sofa nearest the fire, already half way through her first glass of red wine. She'd obviously had similar ideas to me regarding her attire. The glorious Highland Dance costume had been replaced by a cream cap sleeved blouse and a knee length forest green pencil skirt that perfectly complimented the green flashes in her eyes and rode up her delicious thighs as she relaxed back on the sofa. She also wore a pair of beautiful emerald stud earrings and a matching pendant necklace that dangled tantalising down the between her pert breasts. Jen stood and kissed me on the cheek as we greeted each other. We ordered a bottle of the red wine Jen was already drinking and settled back into the easy free flowing conversation we'd enjoyed earlier that afternoon. For dinner we shared a large fresh from the loch chargrilled salmon, drizzled in a brandy sauce, with side orders of fries, crayfish and smoked mussels. As we ate, the waiter delivered a second bottle of wine. It was part way through that bottle, with inhibitions gradually waning, that Jen turned the conversation to the day's events and how she felt about what had happened. "Kat, thank you for being there for me this afternoon. I barely know you, but you've been a true friend." "You're welcome," I replied. "It was a pleasure to help out. Truth be told I loved touching your legs. I'd have done that even ...