1. A Highland Fling

    Date: 10/27/2017, Categories: Lesbian, Author: KatieElizabeth, Rating: 37, Source: LushStories

    looked pensively at the pile of scorecards spread out on the table in front of them. Their deliberations only took ten minutes, but for the assembled competitors it must have felt much longer. Finally, they selected three scorecards, placed them in order and passed them to a runner who took them to the master of ceremonies to deliver the results. I could see him clear his throat before flicking the switch on his microphone to bring the tannoy to life again. "Ladies and gentlemen, here are the results of the solo ladies competition. In third place, representing Ross and Cromarty is...Heather McDonald." The audience clapped enthusiastically as Heather McDonald made her way to the stage and collected a small engraved shield and an even smaller blue rosette. She waved briefly at the crowd then walked off to the side to await the announcement of the winner and runner up. "In second place, a fantastic achievement considering what happened earlier, representing Lanarkshire is...Jenny Wallace." Jen turned and looked at me completely agog before flinging her arms around my neck and giving me the biggest hug imaginable. "I did it, I did it!" Jen squealed in my ear. "I've never been placed before. This is amazing!" I didn't think she'd ever let me go. I'm not sure I wanted her to either. "Thank you Kat," she added, before bounding up the steps and onto the stage where she received a small silver trophy and a bright red rosette for her efforts. She stood next to Heather McDonald, just ...
    about hopping up and down in excitement at her placing. I was almost in tears of happiness for Jen. She looked like she was welling up too as we stared at each other through our smiles. We were both totally lost that moment of sheer bliss and barely heard the tannoy's final announcement of the afternoon, "...and this afternoon's winner, representing Moray, please give a big hand to... Aileen Stewart." When Jen finally came off the stage we hugged briefly again before she excused herself to call her husband with the news. While she chatted away on her mobile, I couldn't help but feel how lucky he was. Although we barely knew each other, Jen was one of the nicest and most sincere people I'd met in a very long time. She was also stunning and my attraction to her had been instant. "My husband's thrilled about my placing," Jen said after she'd finished her call. "I also told him all about you and he wanted me to thank you too. This is the really good bit. He also said I needn't come home tonight and should buy you dinner as a thank you. What do you think? Dinner...with me?" "You don't have to do that," I replied quickly, but already my mind was racing about the possibilities of an evening with Jen. "Well it's all paid for anyway, so why not? Besides, don't you think it would be a shame to waste my romantic break? Say yes...please!" It took me less than a second to decide. "Deal," I replied. "Where are you staying?" "I'm at The Waterside Arms. It's right in the middle of town facing ...