1. A Highland Fling

    Date: 10/27/2017, Categories: Lesbian, Author: KatieElizabeth, Rating: 37, Source: LushStories

    taste similar." "I know what you mean. I love that. The taste is just yummy. I mean really yummy! You do know I like girls don't you?" If Jen wasn't sure about me before, she could have no more doubts now. "Really? Wow, okay. I kinda thought so when you were rubbing my leg this afternoon. Even after you kissed me before I danced again I wasn't absolutely sure. I love that. It's really sexy," Jen said somewhat coyly. "Kat, I want you to know that I've thought about you all afternoon and hoped what you've just told me might be true." Jen paused for a moment before speaking what for her must have been the ultimate confession, "I want you to know that I've imagined over and over what it might be like to be with you." There it was. While softly spoken, what Jen wanted from me and from her invite to join her for a romantic evening came through loud and clear. It was my turn to blush a deep red even though the words were music to my ears. "Why me?" I asked, not wanting to let the momentum of the questions and answers drop. "Well, no-one's ever really made me think about it before. It was never really an option and I've also never had the opportunity to talk about it or explore my feelings. You did today, from the first moment I saw you, or rather fell into you," she giggled. "I've thought about little else all afternoon." "Tell me something really naughty about your thoughts about girls," I said, putting my leg against hers under the table and my fingers on her forearm. "Give me ...
    a moment to think of something deliciously naughty" Jen replied, smiling at me while rubbing her own leg gently back against mine. "Okay, when I touch myself, I often like to lay on the bed, put my feet on the wall either side of my long mirror and watch myself and imagine it's another girl playing with me. Then I imagine my reflection is another girl spread for me, wanting me, asking me to touch and explore her." I loved the brazen honesty of Jen's confession and the tingles of desire I'd felt between my legs were now an inferno of passion that desperately needed quenching. I took another long sip of my drink to give me the final bit of courage to say what ordinarily I'd never dream of saying. I matched Jen's ultimate confession with an ultimate offer of my own. "Jen, can I be your mirror?" "What do you mean?" she asked. I looked straight into Jen's eyes so she knew I was being deadly serious. "I'd like to show myself to you, all of me, right now. Would you like to watch me touch myself?" She blushed again, tipped her head forwards a little and looked at me sheepishly out of the corner of her eye. "Yes please, Kat. I'd love to." "Where's your room then?" "This way," said Jen, and with that she picked up her wine glass and took me by the hand. I quickly grabbed the remnants of my own glass of wine and with my fingers joined with Jen's, she led me from the bar, back across the reception lobby and up the stairs to the bedrooms, smiling nervously all the way. Jen's room was ...