1. Office Help Rewarded Chapter 3

    Date: 10/26/2017, Categories: Office Sex, Author: oz99, Rating: 5, Source: LushStories

    sunbathing; Christie I prefer no tan lines, at least on your top … “ “I guess I don't fully understand Edward. What will my duties be while you are meeting with your clients?” “Young lady for certain clients, I would like for you to come along to provide some eye candy, nothing more, but by far for the majority of your time, I'm afraid you will have to work on your tan. Does that sound like something that you would enjoy as part of your expanded duties?” “Like I said, anything to help you close sales and, if you think a little eye candy will sweeten the deal, my slightly exhibitionist side actually gets my juices flowing. And working on my tan? Uh, yeah, I think I can handle that,” she giggles. So Christie embracing her new duties, immediately sets out to make all the arrangements. An hour later Christie pops into Edward's office, while he is engrossed in the details of one of the client's accounts. He doesn't even look up to acknowledge Christie. Edward gives her short, barely intelligible answers and acknowledgments as she tries to excitedly fill him in on the arrangements she has made. So this little wench has an impulsive thought and decides to act on it, to gain his attention. She has worked herself into a highly aroused state, while booking everything; her panties are soaked with the nectar flowing from her pussy. She reaches under her skirt and pulls her tainted thong down her sexy stocking clad legs and removes them. She stands up. Edward still pays her little mind. ...
    She drops the thong right in front of Edward's face and they land with a splat on the paperwork that had captivated his attention. “Hey! What the fuck?” “Well, are you going to listen to me or you going to fuck that paperwork?” Edward can see Christie is visibly upset with his lack of attention, but protests, “You just fucked up this paperwork.” “So I'll print another set.” “You know, you're right … when I ask you to do something, I should give you my undivided attention.” “You damn right you should,” Christie huffs “you know I'm not that mousey wife of yours. I expect a two-way relationship here. When I speak, I want your attention that same as if you are speaking to me, you know I give you my rapt attention.” “Ok, ok. Let's not get your undies in a bundle here… oh, I guess they are in a bundle; a sloppy wet bundle.” They both simultaneously burst into laughter. “Come here my pet. I need a break from this crap anyway and my lord, what a lovely break you make. What do you have for us?” Christie rattles on excitedly about the accommodations, flight, rental car, facilities, etc but Edward is mesmerized by her lovely body leaning against his desk with those long killer legs, oh so sexy and his mind fogs over with desire for her. Not listening to a word she has said… “So, Christie the car will pick us up here and then we will be off for two days to Tampa, right?” “Uh, Edward, have you heard a word I've said? The car will pick us up here at 9:30 tomorrow morning, but actually, I ...