1. Leah Jane's Moonlight Moment

    Date: 10/23/2017, Categories: First Time, Author: geraldbernard, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster

    It was 4am when the phone rang, and for all that Leah Jane had waited ages for it, she almost leapt out of her skin when the call finally came. She hesitated, biting her lip then nervously grabbed the phone and answered it... &#034Hello..?&#034 A mans voice replied &#034Are you ready my love..?&#034 Leah Jane paused &#034I don't know if I can do it.&#034 &#034Of course you can do it, I'm right here where we said.&#034 Leah Jane started to panic &#034I can't, I can't do it, what if there are people..? What if the police go by..? What if...&#034 The man on the phone interrupted her &#034Oh what if, what if... come on now, you know you're going to do it, just do it right now exactly like we planned.&#034 and with that he hung up the call. Leah Jane put the phone down on her dressing table, left her room and walked down the hall to the front door, whispering to herself &#034I can't believe I'm doing this... Alright Leah Jane, get a grip, just do it.&#034 Her nipples stiffened to the cold night air, causing her to gasp. She stepped through the door, and standing outside, naked but for a pair of pumps, pulled the door closed behind her. The sound of the latch as it clicked shut brought home the reality of what she was doing and she became quite light headed at the thrill of it all. &#034Oh god&#034 she thought and dithered for a moment as if to change her mind, but with no keys or phone and as naked as the day she was born, she knew there was no turning back and hurriedly tiptoed ...
    down the path to the gate. Cautiously peeping around the hedges she checked that the coast was clear, and reassured by the figure of a man at the top of the road bravely stepped out onto the pavement and started towards him. She had never felt so alive as she tripped and trotted down the road furtively checking over her shoulder and glancing up at the windows of all the houses. The sound of a car in the distance made her heart beat hard and she quickened her pace. It was a distance of no more than a couple of hundred yards and took less than a minute for the two to lock eyes as Leah Jane approched, but to her it seemed like she'd been exposed and vulnerable for a very long time. &#034Quickly, give me the coat, come on, cone on&#034 she giggled as she drew closer. Mani stood his ground and even when she was reached him took a step back and said &#034Was it good Leah Jane..?&#034 teasing her as he looked her over in the moonlight. She was more beautiful than ever standing there all a quiver and vibrant from the excitement. &#034Just give me the coat for god's sake..!&#034 she exclaimed. He didn't want to but being a man of his word he reached into his bag and with a wicked grin, handed Leah Jane a plastic raincoat. His expression puzzled her but she soon understood as she unfolded it and realised the raincoat was completely transparent... &#034Oh I don't believe you..!&#034 she protested as she continued to put it on anyway. &#034There, that's better now isn't it..?&#034 asked ...