1. Melanie

    Date: 10/18/2017, Categories: Fiction, Cock & ball torture, Cum Swallowing, First Time, Teen Male / Female, Author: ArchieLeach, Rating: 64.3, Source: sexstories.com

    'Sure.' I walked into her home. It was warm and quiet. It felt wrong to be there, I felt out of place. She walked past me and sat on the sofa in the living room, curling up like a cat. I took off my coat and put it on the coat hanger and kicked off my shoes. I joined her in the sofa, keeping my distance, as not to seem as if I was hitting on her. 'What's up?' I asked. 'I feel so alone right now. Everyone in my life doesn't care that I exist. I wish I could die right now and save everyone the trouble.' 'Don't feel like that. There are so many people who love and care about you, especially me.' 'No there aren't. I should just die right now. No one loves me.' 'I do.' She turned to me, tears in her eyes. She wiped her nose and spoke, surprised. 'Really?' 'Of course. You're the only friend I've had you actually cared about me. You're beautiful. You're smart. You make me feel important and cared for.' Without warning, she hugged me, tightly, for a long time. I hugged her back, overcome with a warm feeling inside knowing that she likes me. At least enough to want me over to her house. We spent the next few hours talking about the usual stuff. The next hour was spent watching a movie. We were cuddling, her head resting on my chest, my arm resting on her shoulder. It was calm, I was relaxed, I was lucky. It got to a rather sexy scene in the movie, and like I usually do, I got a boner. I knew that if I didn't do something quick, she would find out. I tried shifting how I sat, trying ...
    to push my boner down, but it was no use, I was going to have to deal with it, and hope it goes down. Melanie's hand then shifted downwards toward my crotch, feeling the bulge in my pants. This didn't help at all. I was afraid to say something as I might have insulted her. She continued to feel my crotch, stroking the shaft softly. After about five minutes of this, her hand shifted to the top of my trousers and begin to enter them. That's when I'd had enough. It was too much seeing her break down in front of me, and it went too far expecting me to let her give me a hand job on her sofa. I moved away and pushed her hand back. 'I'm sorry. I can't do this,' I said. 'Why not?' she asked. 'I wanted this to mean more. What I mean is…I'm a virgin. I wanted my first time to mean something.' 'Oh. I'm sorry. I guess when you said you loved me, you meant something different.' 'No! I meant it. I love you. I've wanted to do this for so long, but I want to do it right.' She sat up straight and looked me right in the eye. 'Okay then. Let's do it right,' She said. She paused the film and shuffled over to me. She lifted her left leg and sat on my lap, facing me. She placed my hands on her hips and placed her arms over my shoulders. She leaned in and pressed her soft lips to mine and kissed me. She kissed me for a long time, stroking the back of my head, pressing her boobs against my chest, whilst I was rubbing the outside of her thighs. After a while, my hands drifted to her arse, I squeezed ...