1. Cheerleader Sale

    Date: 10/14/2017, Categories: Dark Fantasy, BDSM, Body modification, Bondage and restriction, Male / Female Teens, Slavery, Teen, Author: pablopepperoni, Rating: 83.3, Source: sexstories.com

    gag didn't fill her mouth like the panty gag did, but it was much more effective as a gag. Picking up a black leather collar, the man buckled it around Mandy's neck like a dog. Picking up a large hinged ring, he opened up the ring separating the blunt ends and inserted them into her nostrils, snapping the ring shut. The blunt ends came together with only her nasal septum separating them. It hurt like hell and the pain was so awful that she cried out and tried to shake the ring loose from her nose. Tears began to well up in her eyes as she stood there with this large ring hanging from her nose as if she was some kind of animal. The man grabbed the ring and yanked it upwards forcing Mandy up, lifting her heals off the floor so she stood balancing on the balls of her feet. He then attached the ring to the end of a small chain hanging down from the ceiling leaving her in her precarious situation. Mandy was totally helpless once again as he pulled her cheerleading sweater up over her breasts exposing her nice round globes hidden behind her white cotton bra. Reaching between her breasts he unlatched her bra allowing her firm orbs to be free of their captivity. Pushing her bra aside, the man grabbed each of her breasts with his hands he first caressed them and then he began to squeeze them. He squeezed them harder and harder until it was painful. Releasing her breasts his fingers found their way to her tender nipples. As he began to play with them they grew to form two hard ...
    pebbles from the stimulation He grabbed each of them between his fingers and pulled on them. Mandy, bound as she was, she could not get away from him or the pain he was inflicting upon her breasts and nipples. All she could do was cry into her gag as he pulled her nipples, stretching them forward, forcing her to arch her back as she strained against her bonds before letting them (her nipples) go, laughing at her as she struggled to keep her balance on the balls of her feet while her head continued to be held upwards by the nose ring. A scissors made quick work of her bra straps as he pulled it off her body and threw it aside. Walking over to a table, he opened a drawer and pulled out a long needle and a pair of rings. He moved back over to Mandy, leaned forward and taking her left breast in his hand, placed his mouth so it covered her nipple and began to suck on it as well as play with it with his tongue. It didn't take long before her nipple began to turn hard again. The man stopped sucking and stood up. He grabbed her harden nipple between his fingers and taking the needle in his other hand, pressed it horizontally against her nipple. The sharp pain from the needle poking her nipple hit her brain immediately and she began to scream into the ball gag when suddenly there was a pop of cartilage as the needle slid completely through her nipple. Mandy screamed as loudly as possible as the pain from the piercing hit her. The man slid the needle out of her nipple. Swabbed it in alcohol ...