Asmodeus - Demon of Lust: Part 8
Date: 10/5/2017, Categories: Dark Fantasy, Body modification, Horror, Male/Female, Monster, Pregnant, Romance, Written by women, Author: steelkat29, Rating: 92.3, Source: sexstories.com
crazy. “I believe I just have,” he replies factually. “Wait, what? No you didn’t!” I say, punching him lightly on the arm. He laughs at that but says nothing. I know he’s waiting for me to figure it out for myself. “All you said was that I need to sleep –” I start, then groan, “Shit, do I have to be asleep for this master plan of yours to work?” “Yes.” “Fuck! I wanted to be a part of it.” I want to be the one to convince them; I want them to want to come for me and not because Asmodeus has coerced them. I don’t know how I would have pulled that off, but it’s what I want. “Oh, you will Selena. Your involvement is essential.” My heart jumps with excitement. “How?” I ask, bouncing on my knees a little. The bed springs groan in protest and Asmodeus watches me with amusement lightening his features. He sits up and pulls close to me, meeting my gaze. “Through their dreams, my love. We will speak to them while they sleep.” I’m speechless for a moment; staring at the breathtaking sight which fills my entire field of vision. He looks so normal but the gift he offers is nothing short of extraordinary and his beautiful eyes are so sincere, so selfless that I feel unworthy of their intensity. In this moment, I truly believe that he is incapable of being evil. Cruel? Maybe. Passionate? Definitely. But never evil. His expression is so utterly unique that I know I will never see it in another human; we’re all just too selfish. I look away and release a shaky laugh. “Well why didn’t you ...