1. Asmodeus - Demon of Lust: Part 8

    Date: 10/5/2017, Categories: Dark Fantasy, Body modification, Horror, Male/Female, Monster, Pregnant, Romance, Written by women, Author: steelkat29, Rating: 92.3, Source: sexstories.com

    disquiet only seems to intensify. The rooms melts away until he is all I see and yet, it is not my demon king who remains within my embrace. An achingly beautiful woman lies in his place, pale and luminescent as a full moon. Her hair is bronze, glinting under an unknown light source. Delicate filigree tattoos colour her skin, the ink golden. Her skin shifts just as Asmodeus’ does, although only between white and grey. Her eyes are closed in a peaceful sleep and I can’t help thinking that she must be an angel. That is, until she opens her eyes. They are the colour of deepest space, a purple black so cold that their stare cuts right through me. The power of her empty eyes is so horrific that it seems to steal the very air from my lungs. I gasp for a breath, only to realise that this terrible angel has wrapped her elegant fingers around my neck. I claw at her face desperately, ripping my fingernails against her unyielding skin and all the while she laughs a sound which reminds me ravens screaming. To no avail, I will my power to save me. I am prey to her, nothing more than carrion and she will devour my body once my spirit flees. “No!” I hear the roar, “You will not take her again!” All at once, the creature choking me disappears in a curl of silver smoke. Suddenly able to breathe again, my body launches off the bed. I inhale a huge lungful of my attacker’s strange essence and almost choke on it. Asmodeus is at my side a second later and holds me as I wheeze in breath after ...
    agonising breath. He wears his own skin here, portrayed in this dream as he truly is. “I am sorry, my Selena,” Asmodeus croaks, remorse dragging his voice down, “This is my doing. I should have cleared my mind before you succumbed to sleep.” “I’m asleep?” I rasp, when my lungs allow voice. “You have entered my dreams, a dangerous place while she lurks here. I was foolish to bring you.” “Lilith?” I whisper, afraid that saying her name out loud will summon her once more, “She’s alive?” “Only here,” he growls, face darkening as he taps his temple, “She is two millennia dead and yet still she plagues my existence.” “She’s so... strong,” I say, shuddering as the remnant of her hold closes my throat once more, “She couldn’t really kill me here, could she?” “In a dream she has the power to crush your spirit so completely that you would sleep until your body dies. She has strengthened with my fears. Now that I have you, my darkest fear is that you will be taken from me,” he says, and his face sets with grim determination, “She will not have you this time.” Wordlessly, I embrace my love, both needing to comfort him and be comforted. I hold him so tight it hurts as he encompasses me within his strong arms. I feel so safe here, as if I am protected from everything, even the dream witch who just tried to kill me. Even she cannot harm me here. When we break apart, I reach for his hand as I take in our dreamscape. As if to reflect his mood, Asmodeus’ dream is dark and hostile. It’s not hard to ...