1. Betli Must Be Played!

    Date: 9/23/2017, Categories: Fiction, Cheating, Lactation, Romance, Author: DunafromSOL, Rating: 0, Source: sexstories.com

    children and we started our adventure on the white sand beach of Boracay Island with the palm threes. We enjoyed it very well. I was on the net one evening and I found a funny website about a strange sex practice which was astonishing for me at first. I preferred milk to beer, so I read all the website about Adult Nursing (ANR) and I found other websites about this sex practice. I showed these websites to my wife and she did not find it disgusting, moreover, she asked me if I wanted to try it. I knew she had enjoyed breastfeeding our children, so I told her why not? So we started to be an ANR married couple. We induced the breastfeeding with longer breast stimulation time for weeks. We did two sex sessions daily at that time and my wife got a lot of orgasms and euphoria from the adult breastfeeding, except when I was not at home or sometimes there were special circumstances as a long travel or having to go by plane. We were lucky she did not get pain from the breastfeeding, but orgasm and euphoria. We did this in secret from friends, relatives etc. Pablo and Paul were clueless about our ANR sex practice too. The ANR was called the most underground sex practice in the World and the 99% of the pairs hid their sex practice from others. My wife and I decided we would be the 1% exception. When our friends and their families would be behind the baby-producing program we would tell Pablo and Paul about ANR, because they preferred milk anyway. Paul: Angela was in Phoenix with me for ...
    three weeks and then she went back to teach at the High School. I went to Hermosillo every second weekend by plane and she came to Phoenix for a weekend every month. We were in love so half a year later I asked her if she wanted to be my wife. She said yes, so we had a civil marriage in Hermosillo in the City Hall. John asked for the report from the PI firm in Florida about my ex-wife’s lovers and my ex-wife. It turned out that the two bachelors had lost their constant partners, three wives had divorced her husbands and while a wife had remained married after counseling, and reconciliation, a wife had not started divorce at all. I had not any good feeling for them. The two wives, who remained married, had more children, so I understood, why they did not divorce their bastards. I am sure these two husbands lived not too happy family circumstances. My ex-wife had become a sex worker in Jacksonville. I thought she was good at that profession. After our wedding Angela waited for the wife visa from the USA and she got it when the High School closed for the summer. Soon we would start the baby production. Angela learned the Robber Ulti too with the money giving back technique and we the three husbands and the three wives played this card game in two groups. Once I lost 25$ and my wife won 21$ and we laughed at the fact that our family lost only 4$ after four hours of playing cards. On one occasion we played Robber Ulti at John’s. My wife was three months pregnant at that time. Gina ...