Drunken Aunt
Date: 9/14/2017, Categories: Fiction, Incest, Masturbation, Teen Male / Female, Author: DickTraceMe, Rating: 90.4, Source: sexstories.com
When I was younger. My aunt was a frequent visitor to our house. Remembering to have the biggest crush on her, with my want of sex in my teen years being a big factor. I spent countless nights in my room masturbating to the thought of her. She complimented me from time to time, and sometimes it rendered inappropriate. A few times around the small pool we had out back. Having one of those store bought pools set up on a concrete area, made climbing out of the pool and getting in less of a task. Given many people usually set up on soil. Now I don't possess one of those monster cocks. It's just a blessing that I was given a penis that's positioned on my body to stand out more. It gave me problems wearing comfortable clothes, which I only wore into the pool. When I got out of the pool once, my dick stood out from my basketball shorts. My aunt caught glimpse, and stated she would like a ball park with extra mayo. I laughed of course, but I made sure I beat my little me recreating those moments. In my thoughts, I would have her say what she had. To which I made my way over and grabbed my dick out and repeat the last of her lines in questoon. Her body had no turn off either. She kept her figure from pilates and working out. Which gave me picture opportunities when her and Mom would choose to do any at home. Being seventeen now. I always found time to join her when she asked for a partner. We started the afternoon with a run. She usually went alone around the same time my mom would ...