1. The Training of Callico - Part 1

    Date: 8/19/2017, Categories: Fantasy & Sci-Fi, Author: allfours, Rating: 5, Source: LushStories

    objected as his fingers delved into her vulva, he had her suspended horizontally in a box-frame and her buttocks stung with Wando-leaf. As she hung there, each limb spread and secured from the four corners of the frame, he spoke softly and gently to her as he invaded every part of her body with his fingers, toes, tongue and penis until her cries of protest and pain subsided and her young spirit was broken; all thoughts of resistance against him gone. It was after that that she had willingly agreed to have the Netherworm inserted. Since then, she had slowly developed into a good, if not perfect student. She could recite all thirty seven laws of Indenture Etiquette, she could identify eighty two of the one hundred and seventy four species that were members of the Galaxial Alliance, and she was knowledgeable of at least seventeen of the Vrundeen Proclamations. She could cook dishes from half a dozen planets, and was becoming skilled in the arts of Music, Defence and Assassination Techniques and Philosophy. But Callico's real disappointment was in her Carnal skills. Despite possessing a stunning body, she seemed incapable of knowing how to use it to give her partner total pleasure. Self control seemed to be the issue. Since he had broken her in on the box frame, the girl only needed the slightest of stimulation to reach a climax. This troubled Moss't and he was determined to ensure that she improved. After all, her parents would want him to make sure that he returned her with ...
    the abilities of both appreciating and practising the many complex carnal abilities which were normal behaviour within the Alliance, such as interspecies orgies, pan-sexual gymnastics and, of course, satisfying many partners simultaneously like a good hostess should. And all the time, remaining calm and focussed at whatever topic was being discussed by her guests. Moss't would have to come up with a plan. He did some research on the viewing screen at the side of his chair, and then made contact with three Instructors of Carnality that he had met over the years. He left messages for each of them, and was just signing off the last one when Callico returned from her chores. As was required, she prostrated herself before him. While she knelt, head bowed and legs slightly apart with her arms behind her back, Moss't studied her in silence for a moment. He raised himself out of his chair and walked around her prostrated form. The sheen of her buttocks seemed inviting, as did the pink rosebud hiding between them. The weight of her breasts as they hung down caused him to become a little excited, especially as her nipples darkened as the blood gathered in them. He went back to his chair and reached for the dial. He turned it, slowly. Immediately, Callico felt a warmth inside her as a slow throb started to make itself known between her legs. She tried to control her breathing as the Netherworm found and attached itself to her erogenous zones, the pressure of its throbbing body rubbing ...