1. Taking My Sister's Virginity

    Date: 8/8/2017, Categories: Dark Fantasy, Domination/submission, Incest, Male / Female Teens, Oral Sex, Written by women, Author: jasmine walker, Rating: 84.6, Source: sexstories.com

    exactly what we were both thinking, added, “The driver can stop wherever you want, take you wherever you want or just drive around.” “Thanks, Frank,” Lisa acknowledged. “Yes, that is very generous,” I added, my mind still spinning with the possibility of what likely was about to happen, as I switched to massaging her right foot. The feel of her foot, the silk, had me completely smitten with Lisa not as my sister, not as another conquest, but as someone I desperately wanted…needed. “Press that button there,” he pointed, pressing a button, “if you want the window locked and the volume blocked.” Lisa smiled, as she lifted her left leg up and placed her foot directly on my dick, “And why would we need to do that?” “No reason,” he smiled back, clearly getting a full view of Lisa’s thigh high stockings, “just saying it's an option if you two need some privacy.” It was obvious we were both ready to burst at the seams the second the limo pulled back up to the restaurant. Frank woke Tammy up, who groggily climbed out of the limo and waved goodbye while winking at Lisa. Frank briefly talked to the driver, before putting his head back in and saying, “I told him to just drive. If you want him to do anything else, let him know.” “Thanks,” we both too quickly replied, both thinking the exact same thing. “Have fun,” he said, before closing the door. The second the limo started driving, we turned to each other and melted into one another. Our kisses this time were urgent, desperate, and ...
    hungry. My hand cupped her breast, her hand went to my cock. We were like two wild animals captivity at the zoo finally let out of our cages. After a couple minutes of tongues exploring, hands roaming, I broke the kiss and asked, “Are you sure about this?” “I’ve never been more sure about anything,” she answered, melting back into me. Time became irrelevant as we began our journey of pleasure. She pulled off my tie, never once breaking from kissing me. She tugged off my suit jacket, breaking the kiss long enough for me to see the insatiable lust in her eyes. She wanted me more than any woman ever had before. Once my suit jacket was off, she grabbed my dress shirt and ripped it open, her cavernous basic hunger written all over her actions. I joked, “That was a forty dollar shirt.” She moved her foot up to my chest, rubbing me with her silk foot as she quipped, “These are twenty dollars each and I bought two pairs.” “Money well spent,” I nodded, my sister being the first to use my stocking fetish to entice me. She rubbed her nylon feet on my chest and asked, “Isn't this what you wanted?” I whimpered, her sexy tone and foot play turning my brain into mush. “Yes, but I don't want to force anything on you.” Her right foot slid down my chest and rested firmly on my stiff cock in my pants. “Do I seem like I am having doubts?” She asked, demurely. “When did you know?” I asked, as I took her left foot and took her stocking-toes in my mouth. It was her time to whimper. “I was pretty sure ...