1. Taking My Sister's Virginity

    Date: 8/8/2017, Categories: Dark Fantasy, Domination/submission, Incest, Male / Female Teens, Oral Sex, Written by women, Author: jasmine walker, Rating: 84.6, Source: sexstories.com

    and bringing us back to the restaurant for a late night dessert. I took Lisa's hand and whispered, “Just so you know, you do look beautiful tonight.” Lisa blushed, “Thank you, you’re quite handsome yourself.” “I clean up well,” I joked. “Yes, you do,” she nodded, although not in the flirty way women often talk to me. “If you weren't my sister I would be all over you,” I said, trying to advance my agenda. Lisa laughed, before smiling ever so coyly, “And I just may let you.” Her tone and smile made my cock stiffen as I led her out into the fresh fall air and into the second limo in line. As we sat down, the boss and his wife, who were sitting across from us, both pointed up. We both looked up and saw the mistletoe. I smiled, thinking someone above was watching out for me. I leaned in, Lisa's eyes were big with nervousness, and kissed her. It wasn't a passionate, tongue exploring kiss, but it wasn't a sister and brother kiss either. I pulled her head to mine, so she wouldn't move away after a brief second and kissed her tenderly, hoping to stir some heat down below and confusion upstairs. Breaking the kiss, her boss's wife quipped, “Oh, to be young again.” I looked at Lisa, who had a completely unreadable look on her face. Clearly, the kiss had impacted her, although I couldn’t tell how. Was it enough to have her thinking what I wanted her to be thinking? Only time would tell. My fingers entwined hers and my thumb made soft circles on her hand as the drive continued and we ...
    engaged in small talk with her friendly boss and his equally friendly wife. We reached the theatre and again we were hand in hand, this time she took mine, as we walked into the beautiful theatre. Again mistletoe was above a doorway. I turned to her and was about to ask her if we should kiss again when she leaned in and kissed me. This kiss had a little more urgency, a little more passion than the first one, although we both refrained from shoving our tongues down each other's throats. It was a very intimate kiss, the kind that one has early in a relationship when everything is new and exciting. The tent in my pants implied it was indeed new and exciting. Breaking the kiss, I purposely adjusted myself and she noticed and asked, ever so slyly, dripping with flirtation, Lisa clearly a different girl than the one I had known my whole life, “Is that because of me?” “If you weren't my sister,” I countered, “this date would have a very different ending.” “How so?” She questioned, taking my hand. “You don't want to know the answer to that,” I replied, wanting to draw her in. “Maybe I do,” she countered, as we continued walking. “But you’re my sister,” I pointed out. “And if I wasn't?” She asked. “Your mouth would be full right now,” I bluntly said, going for broke. “With what?” She asked, actually batting her eyes, obviously knowing exactly what I was implying, “Lisa!” I faked gasped, looking shocked. “You started it with your big stud talk,” she countered, before shocking me as she ...