1. Taking My Sister's Virginity

    Date: 8/8/2017, Categories: Dark Fantasy, Domination/submission, Incest, Male / Female Teens, Oral Sex, Written by women, Author: jasmine walker, Rating: 84.6, Source: sexstories.com

    open toed high heels, so her pretty painted toenails were still in view. She was stressed because Adam was twenty minutes late. Which, of course, made perfect sense since he didn't exist. Mom tried to comfort her. “You look beautiful Lisa, with or without a man.” “Mom, I really want to put a couple of those pretentious girls in their place,” Lisa said, just as the doorbell rang. “Thank God,” Lisa sighed with relief as she went to the door. Opening it, she asked, her relief short lived, “Where's Adam?” “Flight is delayed,” Andrea said, “I'm so sorry.” “Shit,” Lisa cursed, likely for the first time in front of our parents. Dad looked up from the television, but knew better than to say anything. “I can't go to the party now, or to work ever again,” Lisa said over dramatically. Andrea came in and said, looking at me briefly, “As I drove over here, I pondered what I could do to make this work.” Lisa, near tears, said, “Get his plane to land.” “Well, it hasn't left yet, so that seems unlikely,” Andrea said, before adding, “but I did come up with an idea.” “Turn back time so I didn't say anything?” Lisa asked. “No, but that would be a cool idea,” Andrea laughed. “Does anybody at your work know who your brother is?” Lisa shook her head, “No, but why does that...wait are you suggesting I take my brother as my date?” “I am, if he is willing,” Andrea said, all part of the plan. “He is kinda hot.” “Thanks,” I smirked, “You're kinda a nerd.” Andrea shrugged, “He fits the profile.” Lisa, ...
    talking in a way only Andrea was supposed to understand, said, “Trust me he doesn't fit the profile.” I stood up and said, “Lisa, if you want me to, I'll do it.” Lisa looked at me and said all hesitant, “I don't know.” Andrea pushed on, moving close enough to Lisa that no one else could hear, and said something. Lisa finally said, “Fine! What have I got to lose.” Being kind of bossy, she instructed me, “Please shave first and then dress up in a suit and tie.” “Yes, ma'am,” I sarcastically nodded. I heard Mom say, as I headed downstairs, “That is incredibly sweet of him.” I quickly shaved and got dressed and headed back upstairs, my cock already hard at the possibility, although sealing the deal was still going to be the toughest part. A part I really hadn’t thought through that well. Andrea said, trying to stir the thought in Lisa's head, “Wow, you sure clean up well.” “Am I still only kinda hot?” I flirted. “Stop flirting with my best friend,” Lisa scolded. Mom said, “I want to take a picture first.” “Seriously?” Lisa asked. “My two children are all grown up,” Mom said, going for her camera. I put my arm around her and she didn't push it away as Mom took a few photos. “Enjoy yourselves,” Mom said. Andrea quipped back, “Yes, enjoy yourselves, you two.” In the car, Lisa complained, “I can't believe the flight got delayed. I finally thought I was going to....” She stopped in mid-sentence. “Going to what?” I asked. “Put those girls in their place,” she covered. “Lisa, if you want ...