1. The Island- Chapter 3

    Date: 7/26/2017, Categories: Fantasy, Anal, Blowjob, Consensual Sex, Female solo, Male / Females, Oral Sex, Author: cowboy667, Rating: 76.9, Source: sexstories.com

    over to helm cabin climbed the stairs and went inside. I wonder what it is she wanted to talk to me about. I went about my day and did some mundane tasks to keep busy i repacked the tents to make more in in the nap sacks to cut down on extra luggage. I cleaned my gun again. then i cleaned up the cuts on my knuckles and face and stitched a nasty gash on my eyebrow. then there was a knock at my door, i had lost track of time it was almost Eleven. my door opened there stood Megan. "whats up ?" i asked " i want you to know how disappointed i am in you, fighting like that, like a common thug, you are better than that Jack" she lectured "the last time i checked you weren't the older sister" i replied and rolled my eyes i got up and changed my marines shirt into a nice flannel button up, i wanted to look presentable for whatever bonnie wanted to talk to me about "Where are you going?" she asked " To Bonnies quarters she wanted to talk to me about something" i worked my way around megan into the hallway as if she were trying to block me from going. "Jack" she called out i turned around to look at her "uh, I, er" she stuttered then let out a sigh "what time do you want me up tomorrow morning" "Captain Peters said we should hit shore around 11 so be up round 9 please" " Yes sir" she saluted with a half smile. turned around sauntered down the hall to her own room wiggling her ass as she walked. did she do that on purpose? i would speculate on it later. i made my way the hall and came up ...
    a wall that had one door to it and on the door it said captains quarters i rose my hand to the door and knocked, the door opened and there stood Bonnie in a baby Blue kimono with pink flowers and a pink sash that tied it together. it wasn't a traditional kimono it only went down to about her knees "well Mr. Harvey you finally showed up, i was just about ready to go to bed come in sit down make yourself at home" i walk in the room, was significantly larger than the rest enough to fit a twin sized bed in it small table, stove and dresser and there was a tiny closet that had pull curreten on it that what i suspected to be a shower. I took a seat at the table and as she walked to her minnie fridge next to her bed bet over to reach inside her kimono road up rear and revealed a her blue lace underwear " would you like a beer?" she offered. "Yes please, nice digs you got here but isn't this your dads room?" i pondered as i opened my beer, she sat down across from me on the bed and crossed her legs "ever since i joined the crew, dad sleeps in a hammock in the storage deck." "Really why?" "in his words, i've spent my life sleeping in comfort i won't have my daughter sleeping in any other sort" she said in her best impression of her father. "so how did you end up on this boat anyway" i asked "Well, I was a Volunteer in the Irish Mobile forces, I was in Iraq when the united forces closed in on the last ISIS stronghold. once everything was said and done, i returned to my home in Harland ...