1. My Charlie

    Date: 7/22/2017, Categories: Gay Male, Author: 007Lover, Rating: , Source: LushStories

    His parents had long been deceased and he had no other reason to come back. “I came here to see you,” he simply said, squeezing my shoulder. “Only you.” “And what’s that supposed to mean?” I said, shrugging his hand away. I was offended, of course I was, also a little scared of what he might say. “The last time we saw each other--” “I was a total prick, I’m sorry, Joe.” “You never wrote.” “I wanted to forget you.” “Why?” Charlie bit into his lip, looking thoughtful and nervous. “Well?” I urged. “I don’t know,” he answered, shifting his look to the ground for a moment. “I was scared, I suppose.” “Of me?” “Of everything, Joe, of us, and everything else.” “You wanted to escape from your past, is that it?” “I tried to for a long time.” “So why’d you come back, huh?” Behind his glasses, his eyes glimmered strangely, out of anger or hurt, I don’t know, but they grew intense and he stared at me the way he used to before he went away. “To see you, to talk to you.” “About what?” He shifted in his seat tensely before saying, “I’m getting married.” There was a silence between us. I simply stared, unable to voice my confusion. “Joe,” he said, squeezing my shoulder again. “What are you thinking?” “Who is he?” I could only manage these words. “ Her name is Annie.” I could not hold back the laughter. Charlie’s eyes flashed. “What's so funny?” “Since when have you liked women?” “I’ve always liked women,” he quickly answered. “Only I never told you.” “Bullshit!” I could only laugh and laugh ...
    and he didn’t utter a single word until I was silent and sombre again. “I’m getting married,” he repeated firmly. “ Hopefully , to a woman and I realize that it upsets you.” “Hopefully?” “I haven’t proposed yet.” “A ha!” I said, pointing a finger at him. “You’re scared! You can’t spend the rest of your life with a woman and that scares you, doesn’t it?” “She makes me happy, Joe.” “Happy like a sister, Charlie?” “God, no!” he said, an expression of deepest revulsion coming alive on his face. “We’re in love and we want to get married as soon as possible.” “Oh, how romantic, did you fuck her yet?” “Why are you acting like a kid, Joe?” His patience, which had always been steady and unexcitable, was slowly tiring out with my behaviour. “I’m not acting like a kid, I’m just asking a simple question, what’s wrong with that?” Charlie stared at me, considering me for a moment, then answered, “A few times.” “How is it?” I asked, genuinely curious. “Good.” “Is she better than me?” “Jesus Christ!” said Charlie, starting up. “What is it with you?” “Sorry, sorry, it was only a question.” Subsequently, we sat there for many minutes without a word to say. Charlie turned to the window to do some heavy meditating and I seized this opportunity to get a proper glance at him. One thing I hadn’t noticed before was a small scar just above his left eyebrow. I noticed it then due to our proximity and this proximity I could not easily ignore. We were seated at a small table in a café not far from my ...