1. The Academy 19: Final

    Date: 7/12/2017, Categories: Dark Fantasy, Anal, Ass to mouth, Cum Swallowing, Group Sex, Incest, Male Male/Teen Female, Teen, Author: DK54, Rating: 88.2, Source: sexstories.com

    sending Sasha toppling into a fetal position. "Kill me." Sasha muttered. Camila was surprised, "What?" "FUCKING KILL ME!" She screamed, "You've taken all I had!" "Not until you..." "What do you want to hear!? That I killed your sister! Fine FINE I did it I shot your sister right through the head! Are you happy now!?" She screamed from the floor. "Yes," Camila muttered a raised the gun. She began to pull the trigger. There was a bang. A bullet was shot. The gun went off just as Camila was hit in the head with a pipe. With all the commotion, she must have not heard the door open. Her aim was thrown off after the blow, causing Sasha to be hit in the shoulder instead of the head. "What the fuck?" Camila was able to say before being bounced on, and hit once more with the metal pipe. She was so confused, how could this happen? Jordan. The police. Jasper. They were all taken care of. There was one person that Camila Rojas had forgotten about. Camila peered up in fright, looking at the person who sat on top of her, in attack mode. "Sumi?" She mumbled, her jaw was broken, so she couldn't talk right. "It's Simi... Bitch." Simi Kamdar sat on top of Camila. Simi was so full of hate for this girl. She hated her more than anything in the world. Camila had her men rape her, scarring her yet again. Simi was happy to do this. She swung down onto Camila's head. She kept swinging until Camila was close to death, if not dead already. Simi then crawled to her best friend, who was unconscious, ...
    but very much alive. "I got your text... I'm here, don't worry, help is on the way." Simi held her best friend in her arms as police sirens sounded outside. 5 months later Jordan sat in a chair, looking at a girl that she hadn't seen in almost a half in a year. She was looking at her through a bullet proof window, and the girl was in an orange jumpsuit. Camila looked older, she had more tattoos and looked even more... dangerous than before, for lack of a better word. "Why did you want to see me?" Jordan asked through the phone. Jordan was released barely on a spotty self defense claim a few months prior. "To make amends," Camila spoke, her accent seemingly stronger than how she remembered. Jordan couldn't help but notice how Camila's face was still not fully recovered. "Why me?" "I invited Sasha, and Simi, and Jasper," Camila said, "But none of them showed up." "Okay," Jordan didn't say anything else. "Well, for starters, I know Sasha didn't kill Sofia. I have never been so sorry for something in my life... I just hope she one day realizes that... I was just in a really dark time and I wasn't thinking straight." Camila lets out a deflated laugh, "like that's an excuse... I just wish she showed up." "You will never be fully forgiven... By Jasper and Sasha anyways." Jordan said. "I know." Camila agreed. "Jasper is lucky to be alive." "I know." "So is that all?" Jordan said. "I also wanted to say I'm getting out." Jordan looked up surprised, "what?" "I'm getting out." "How!?" She ...