1. I''d Never View it as Cheating--Part 2

    Date: 7/10/2017, Categories: Fiction, Consensual Sex, Oral Sex, Romance, Author: senorlongo, Rating: 92.5, Source: sexstories.com

    “Yeah…okay—two pies…sausage and everything, both with extra cheese—Fargiano’s or Angela’s. Know where they are?” (“Yes…been to Fargiano’s plenty of times; give me about 45 minutes, okay?”) “Thanks…see you then.” I ended the call then turned to speak to both kids—David first. “I’m sure you’ve already guessed that was Toni, the woman who’s helping me. She’ll be here in about 45 minutes and she’s bringing pizza. If she doesn’t we’ll go hungry tonight.” “Well, I’m not sticking around to meet this whore.” This time I did strike David, slapping him in the face. “You know that I’d never strike you under normal conditions, but your behavior is worse than deplorable. You will stay and you will be cordial. You don’t have to like her, but you will be polite. Understand?” “Okay, Dad, but I’m only doing this for Mom.” We sat in silence for the next half hour. I was glad that Toni was early. I was about to open the door, but Beth beat me to it. “Hi…you must be Toni.” “Yes, thank you, Beth, and this must be David. Why don’t we eat and then we can talk, but not too long or we won’t be able to visit your mom. That’s the most important thing.” She carried the pies to the kitchen, placing them on the table. Beth got four glasses, some ice, and poured four Pepsi’s while I got paper plates, napkins, some forks and knives. We ate in relative silence until Beth decided to break the ice. “I hope you realize that this has come as quite a shock to us.” Toni gently placed her hand on Beth’s as she ...
    replied, “I’d be astonished if you felt otherwise. I know how I’d feel if I was in your shoes. I saw the DVD Lizzie made for your dad and then I saw the one she made for me. I had trouble believing that anyone could love another person as much as your mom loves your dad. I know he loves her just as much. It’s rare I see that in my courtroom.” “Your courtroom?” Rather than reply, Toni dug into her purse, retrieving a photo ID in a black leather case and handing it to Beth. Beth read it then handed it to David. I saw it in passing. “You’re a judge?” “Yes, Beth…I’m a Family Court judge. I don’t spread it around much because about ninety percent of what I do involves juvenile abuse or neglect or juvenile crime. I hope you understand that’s all confidential. Some people try to pry information out of me once they’ve learned I’m a judge so I don’t advertise. I doubt Chuck would do that; he’s handled confidential information probably thousands of times.” “I guess you’re not some skank after Dad’s money after all.” “No, David—I have plenty of money and I’m not after your dad either. I work in the County Courthouse in Hauppauge and I live in Brightwaters. I’m lucky in that regard that I drive against traffic both ways. I always drive west on Vet’s Highway to Northern Parkway and south on Sagtikos to Sunrise Highway. I never go down to Montauk Highway. It’s much too long that way. “Also, I never go into a bar for a drink after work…never! On the night I met your dad I did drive past Sunrise ...