1. In the Name of Art - Part IV

    Date: 6/21/2017, Categories: Oral Sex, Author: TheTravellingMan, Rating: 2, Source: LushStories

    my answer. It’s like before I met you, there was this thing gnawing at me. It was something I couldn’t put my finger on but something was missing.” “And now Harry?” “Now?” The caffeine was kicking in; he felt a flash of inspiration as words began to form in his mind. They moved him and it surprised him by just now much. He paused again and looked at Penny; his eyes carried with them a brittleness that she had not seen before. On his face was an expression of earnestness that she had seldom seen in others. “It feels like, it feels like… Like I’m on the right path, like a journey that I can’t wait to set out on and I have the best travelling companion in the world right here in front of me.” He could get on his knees at that point and genuflect to the God of Arabica Beans. “Oh Harry, that’s beautiful.” “Is it? I’m not great at this, it feels so new and I know I’ve been holding out for someone like you. Now I’ve found you, it’s more than I could ever wish for and words fail me. Typical.” Penny giggled, “Well, you are doing great. If it helps, I feel the same way too; you must think I’m a terrific slut though.” That look of earnestness was still there in Harry’s face. “No, I don’t, you have confidence; I wish I had some of that right now I can tell you.” Penny put her piece of toast down. “And there was you saying you can’t find the right words.” He felt serenity, a reassurance that no matter what, he was always on the right wavelength with her and she was with him. He always ...
    knew that the right relationship would be the one that felt the easiest to maintain. “Serenity, Pen, that’s the word I feel.” He looked at her and she reached out to caress his face, there was tenderness there, a moment of undiluted emotion. “I’m falling for you Harry, try those words on for size.” He took her hand and solemnly kissed it, a moment of instinctive affirmation. “Oh thank fuck for that Pen, I’m falling for you too. I’ve been dying to tell you.” They both laughed, a belly laugh, a mix of relief and youthful exuberance. “Our parents were right all along, we think we know the answers and yet we know fuck all.” “And that means?” “Harry, I’ve never fallen for anyone in life. Oh, I am very confident and it’s a means to an end. Sex is like breathing for me, now I have someone that means something and I don’t want it to end.” Harry sat back in his chair, if he wasn’t sitting in it, he’d be sat on the floor. “Pen! You mean you put me through all that and, and…..” She giggled, “Pretty good huh?” Harry’s faux exasperation made her break out into more laughter. “Oh come on Harry, I had to know. I’m bloody glad I did.” He soon broke from it, “Pretty crap though aren’t I? All the books I’ve read, all that art and appreciation and I can’t tell the girl I love that I...” Penny’s face whooped with surprise, “OH…” His skin erupted in riot of crimson and she roared with laughter. “Fuck,” whispered Harry under his breath. Penny’s eyes were full of tears as her body shook, he did not ...