1. Michele's Mistake - 3

    Date: 6/19/2017, Categories: Anal, BDSM, Interracial Sex, Author: THIRDCOAST, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster

    smiles down at me, and my face is going to crack from my smiling back. “Hi Sir!” “Hello Michele, I’m glad you’re pleased with who I am. Did you think I was one of the old geezers?” His smirk is so alluring. “Maybe at first Sir.” “Why don’t you get dressed and I’ll take you for some coffee before you head home.” “That sounds delicious Sir.” While I’m putting my clothes on, he’s moving the boxes back into place. I pick up the cleaning cloth and wipe our spilled body fluids up. When everything is back to normal. He takes my hand and leads me out of the closet. My hand is on his arm, as we head for the elevator. We smell of sex when the door closes and start moving down. It’s still dark when we walk across the street to the coffee shop. He orders for us both and brings it to our table. When he sits, he makes a motion of putting his finger to his chin and I realize I must have something on my face. I wipe it with my finger and it's some of Mike’s cum still there. Crap, I walked in here with cum on my face. His smile defuses my embarrassment. I stick my finger in my mouth and suck the remainders of our morning fun off. We talk a little, trying to ease my tension. I still can’t believe who he is. I could get lost in his hazel eyes. His square jaw and nicely cropped hair isn’t anything to sneeze at either. He is the total package. I couldn’t be anywhere near his league. He must have been reading my mind, because his hand comes across the table and clutches mine, squeezing it softly. ...
    I bite my lip and squeeze his back. “Have I told you how beautiful you look yet?” he says. I blush, “Thank you Sir, I’m not nearly as gorgeous as you though.” “No thinking like that Michele, I find you very attractive, both inside and out.” I flush again. How can he make me feel so beautiful with just words? I hope he never stops. We continue to talk. He tells me that he’d like to take me out to dinner soon. I tell him my work schedule but he tells me he already knows it. But that it might be changing soon. I kind of let that information slip through my mind, because I’m still lost in his eyes. When we finish our coffee, he reaches into his briefcase and pulls something from it. It’s my journal, and another box. “I don’t think I need to keep your journal now, but I would like you to wear this.” He opens the box and it's a leather choker with an O-ring in front. It is sort of a collar but not as conspicuous as a regular collar. I lift my hair off my neck. He places the choker around me and fastens it. My fingers trace the leather strands, until they reach the O-ring. “Thank you Sir, you’re too kind, for the journal and the collar. Does that mean I’m officially yours?” “Yes, if you will have me.” “Oh god, yes Sir.” He leans in to kiss me. Its a short kiss, but he wraps his arm around me and we exit the coffee shop. He has to go to work and I have to get home to get some rest before class today. This time we have a lingering kiss at the corner of the street. We say our goodbyes, ...