1. I posted this on fictionmania a few years ago - it

    Date: 6/11/2017, Categories: Fetish, Sex Humor, Taboo, Author: bonnykate, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster

    purring again! I pushed open the door. "You know who it is!" And then I stopped. She was standing in the middle of the room, dressed exactly as she described over the phone. Sometimes, clothes can look even better than no clothes. But, from what I remembered about her in no clothes (almost!) it would be a difficult choice. "Hi handsome!" she said huskily. "I, uh..." She walked over and took my hands, and led me over to the bed where we sat down, her still holding my hands. "I really need you to do me a favor." That voice, those lips, her eyes looking like she was already in bed.... "I've been thinking about this, and your feelings, but you have to know you're the only one that I can do this with?" She paused. "Why?" "Think about it for a moment. Josie does have a boyfriend, and a few girlfriends." She laughed, lyrically, musically, oh hell, you get the idea. "But she can't go to them, because they would talk to Josie when I wasn't with her. Then she would know that something was going on. And, what's more, it wouldn't be fair to her to have her reputation tarnished like that." "It's a funny time to start worrying about what's fair to her." She took her hands away and pouted. "OK, if you can't do this, I can understand. Thanks for bringing the camera." I couldn't leave. I was hard as a baseball bat, and it seemed almost as big. It wasn't fair, I shouldn't be doing this - he shouldn't be doing this. But I couldn't not do it. I'm only 16, I told myself, and I'm supposed to be ...
    thinking with my little head. I held up the camera. "OK, let's get started!" She smiled seductively. "You know, I didn't really want to start with the camera." "So what did you want to start with?" Josie blushed! It was so cute, it started near her naked breasts and moved up over her face. "Well, you know, I know what she knows and she knows what it's like to, well." I stopped tracking that after the second 'know'. "What? What what is like?" She couldn't look at me. "I can remember what she remembers - and sex is just awesome! It's so much better than masturbating." "So?" And then it dawned on me. "You want to have sex? With me?" She shook her head yes. This was unexpected. Then I remembered something my father always said, "In for a penny, in for a pound." I wasn't exactly clear on why my father compared money and units of weight, but I understood what he meant... "Sometimes," I said, "you just have to say, Hell yes!" She smiled up at me. "Thank you!" She patted the bed next to her and I sat down. "So, do you want to kiss me?" she asked. My lips were on hers in a heartbeat, and I was pushing her down on the bed, one hand on her breast. "Wait a minute, wait a minute," she said, pushing me away. "What?!?!" I had practically cum already. She sat up, and I sat up next to her. "You know, Josie, well, I am pretty experienced." "And?" Great, we'd just started and I'm already a lousy lover. She took my hands again. "You know, there are just things you pick up over time - like how to ...