1. My last Gay experience

    Date: 4/27/2017, Categories: Dark Fantasy, Anal, Bondage and restriction, Boy / Boy, Domination/submission, Teen, Transvestite, Violence, Author: Allthwaite, Rating: 42.9, Source: sexstories.com

    giggled. "Right wagins roll!" I shouted and they looked at me like I was an idiot. Al set off carefully till we was past the speedbumps and then nailed it we must have been hitting twenty nine miles an hour at times with that stupid V6 engine howling like a boiled Chihuahua we only got fifty yards before the plod gave us a tug. "Oh," Pc Tony Mulholland said, "It's you." "Yeah, got a new one," Al said, "Classic V6 petrol, goes like a bomb!" "Boom," we all said together. "Tax," he asked, "Insurance." "In the post, and can't afford it," Al admits. "License," Tony asks. "He hasn't got a dog!" I added. "Rumour has it you're straightening out queers now," Tony says. "Yep, that's where we're off now," I says. "Go compare," says Tony, "they does some good deals on classic insurance, or Lancaster Insurance," he says, "Anyway were keeping an eye on you all right?" "Right," we agrees, and Al does a racing start like Lewis Hamilton except we got four wheels on not three and he only nearly stalls it, "Yee Ha!" Al laughs and he keeps the throttle floored and winds the old wreck up through the gears, actually it didn't go too badly if I'm honest, but maybe hammering along at seventy in a thirty limit with a Police car following behind wasn't the best way to look for a house in the dark but we found Desmond's place eventually after a few false starts, the mangled BMW sort of gave it away so we parked up and I banged on the door. "Oi Desmond," I shouted, "Get your bent ass down here!" The ...
    window above the doorway opened, "Go away!" he hissed, "I have company." "You got bloke up there?" I asked. "Yes, go away," he whispered in a stage whisper. "Well too fucking bad!" I replied, "You opening the door or are we fucking kicking it in?" "No, go away!" he hissed, "You'll wake the neighbours." Some hopes, most of them was looking out their windows and doors already to see what the row was. "Ugh, what is it," a sleepy male voice groaned, "Desmond?" "BNP anti gay squad Lionel," Desmond chuckled, "Nothing to worry about." I gave the cordless drill a bit of a rev up, "You coming down or we coming up?" I asked. "Don't be ridiculous!" he sneered. "You're fucking ridiculous!" I told him, "Give the door a tap Al!" "Johnno, I'm getting cold," Sandra wails. "Oh give it a rest," I said, "I told you to wear something under that mini skirt!". "You drilling the lock Johnno or am I smashing the fucker down?" Al says. "What you reckon Dessie?" I asks, "Lock fucking drilled out or sledge hammer?" "I'll call the police!" Desmond threatened. "Evening all," PC Tony Mulholland greeted him from the shadows, "Better make it quick only we're on our break." "We have to have half an hour break, health and safety," Sergeant Fforbes agreed, "So get on with it Allthwaite, pull your finger out lad." "Black and Decker," I tells Al but fucking Desmond is wailing at us. "All right,"Desmond agrees, "I'll let you in, just a minute, don't do anything stupid!" He went away from the window and pretty soon ...